
The Process To Get To This Post Was Neither Big Nor Easy

I’ve had a bit of blogblock over the past week or so, and I’ve been demotivated to get some necessary database work done on VJ Army and Pop’n Navy. I apologize to the faithful readers and users, I will attempt to rectify both sides of this problem over the coming days.

But complicating this is the fact that 24 hours ago, I was informed I need to go to New Orleans next week for an Sakai Project conference; now I sit here with a Jet Blue itinerary and a W Hotel confirmation and it hasn’t really hit me yet that I’m actually going to New Orleans for three days next week.

I will have barely any time away from the conference but I’ll attempt to at least bolster my Flickr account with some photos and quirky anecdotes. I should, of course, also have the trusty Sidekick on – as the great philospher Calvin Broadus has been heard to remark, “Everybody needs a Sidekick.” So I shall remain in touch, in tune, and hopefully on time.

More details as they become available.


WWDC Keynote Running Thoughts

I started transcribing late, since the Apple Store/iPod wanking is fairly standard.


Porn Day Recap

So, regarding Porn Day:

  • I did not win.
    • That honor was split between Steve and Ann.
    • I think I placed 3rd with about four positive hits.
  • It’s rather fascinating how many things Google is ineffective at filtering with SafeSearch on – like “creampies”.
    • My boss now knows what the previously mentioned term refers to.
      • I believe he emitted a loud “UGH” when he found out.
  • There are a handful of sites on the internet that are really, really hard to block. You couldn’t tell from the meager HTML source it was porn.
  • I’m happy to report that BumperCar is very effective at blocking kids from evil things at the default settings.
  • I added ICRA ratings to the root of my blog today – I figure that now that there’s a browser on the Mac that supports them, it’s not a horrible idea. I got a strange satisfaction from checking the “Content may set a bad example for children” button.

That’s all I’ve got for now; we’re probably doing another quick check tomorrow before we hopefully GM.