
Apps That Are Not Games On My iPhone

In response to Gaming 2008: The iPhone, sanchny wrote in:

> I got an iPhone last month and didn’t know where to start with all the apps, but I now have a decently-sized list of games to get at some point. Do you have recommendations for regular apps? I found your iphone iusethis page, but it doesn’t seem to be updated.

As it turns out, my list of non-gaming iPhone apps is considerably smaller than the mammoth gaming list, but those titles are worth mentioning too. Here they are, alphabetically: not all are currently installed on my phone due to space concerns, but these are the ones I’ve kept. Applications marked with an asterix are considered my critical application core, as they are on the first page of my Springboard. (Links all go to; prices are accurate as of the time of this original post.)


Pat’s Papers Launches

One of things I miss most about being in NYC proper anymore is not having NY1 on my cable box. The TV in our bedroom rarely would change off of NY1, especially in the morning when Pat Kiernan would provide a very calming (and slightly sarcastic) take on the news. (My love of NY1 in the past was noted by Mr. Kiernan.)

Pat – who if you’re outside NYC, you probably know best from VH1’s World Series Of Pop Culture – also happens to be on Facebook, and today let all his friends know of his newest endevour: Pat’s Papers. No longer limited to reading just the NYC papers, Pat’s going national.

Being once again able to have Pat read the papers to me in the morning is a great joy. (Pat has also mentioned that a podcast version is coming soon.)



Via Dr. Szukala, twistori: Loving, hating, thinking, believing, feeling, and wishing from Twitter, now as a single-serving site and a gorgeous screensaver for OS X.

Beautifully simplistic, simplistically beautiful.