
This Is Happening

After three years of touring, DJ gigs, and holing up in a Laurel Canyon mansion, LCD Soundsystem‘s third (possibly final) LP, This Is Happening, is coming out on May 17th. One could say I am “hyped”, but this would be understating my excitement.

They are also playing two shows at Terminal 5 the same week.

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Attention web server admins: please remember to accommodate those who don’t automatically type “www” in front of everything.

Best Of Debated Happened Narrated Reflected

10 Years

Photo by Rob J. Brooks, reused under CC BY-NC-ND 2.0

My blog is ten years old today. (Today also roughly marks me having been online for half my life.) I have a lot of navelgazing to do in the body of this post, but to sum it up – if you’re reading this, thank you, from the bottom of my heart.