
Full Implications at 3 AM

“Even though I did get his permission at the time, many people don’t understand the full implications of their actions and decisions and permission they give at 3 am.”

Xalavier Nelson Jr., “A Chaotic History of Clickolding, the Year’s Most Disturbing Game

(Clickolding is extremely good and extremely weird and everyone should play it.)


2019 In Review: Games

I had promised myself I was going to restore my habit of doing end-of-year media lists for 2019. This is one of what was supposed to be four posts in the series but became only two: movies, music, television, and games. Spoilers ahead.

Look, there are plenty of good-game-writing-folks out there doing the good-game-writing thing with thoughtful year-end lists. If you want to understand why you should play the many great games released this year – Control, Disco Elysium, The Outer Wilds, take your pick – go read those.

You know I’m only going to recommend some off-the-wall nonsense.

Played Puzzled Over

A 20 Year Old Gaming Mystery, Solved At Last

While I don’t have a hard and fast date for an anniversary, this year feels like it’s roughly the point at which I’ve hit 30 years of playing video games. (Having just passed my 33rd birthday, this is a rather large amount of my life.) In that time, I have played countless games across most every platform ever released, and I have a surprisingly good memory of nearly every game I ever played.

Or perhaps I should say, every game, save one.