
Full Implications at 3 AM

“Even though I did get his permission at the time, many people don’t understand the full implications of their actions and decisions and permission they give at 3 am.”

Xalavier Nelson Jr., “A Chaotic History of Clickolding, the Year’s Most Disturbing Game

(Clickolding is extremely good and extremely weird and everyone should play it.)


Embrace The Grind

Sometimes, programming feels like magic: you chant some arcane incantation and a fleet of robots do your bidding. But sometimes, magic is mundane. If you’re willing to embrace the grind, you can pull off the impossible.

Jacob Kaplan-Moss

Imperfections and Differences

I think the biggest idea of Russian Doll would be that we start to talk about removing some shame around the underlying idea of our own brokenness, and realizing that we’re all broken in our own ways and that’s part of our power and our beauty: our imperfections and our differences.

Natasha Lyonne