For those of you who were waiting for an official release of Think instead of my jump-the-gun post about it a few days back can now find the app at the [Think homepage](
Category: Found
Discoveries, finds, or otherwise identified.
In the 20-something years I’ve been using computers, I’ve heard a lot of stupid things said, but [this may in fact be the stupidest](, from the mouth of Bill Gates himself.
> Nowadays, security guys break the Mac every single day. Every single day, they come out with a total exploit, your machine can be taken over totally. I dare anybody to do that once a month on the Windows machine.
And people call Sony arrogant. Jesus christ.
If you thought the situation was strange before, wait till you see the press conference.
I’m going to take a small chance to editorialize here: I’m confused how you can arrest someone on charges of setting up a hoax device when the device was neither phoned in as a bomb nor looked like a bomb.
It’s a damned Lite Brite. Is Hasbro breeding terrorists?