

Yes, I did make it home last night; I just hurt tremendously after the fact. My previously pained foot was in serious pain for the entire evening. In total, I walked a little over nine miles.

I won’t lie, I was debating the merit of walking that far for most of the night. That much pain brings everything you did back into question, even if you did get a nice workout and connected on a new level with the city in which you live. This morning, the confirmation was there.

8:49 AM - Crammed Tram

The picture of the tram from yesterday, thanks in part to a Gothamist post (check the comment from a girl who was in the picture!), is one of the most “interesting” pictures on Flickr for the day. As of my posting this, it’s received 1456 views (previous best: 1323), 26 comments (previous best: 12), 41 people calling it a favorite (previous best: 9), and I’ve received 7 people add me as a contact in the last day.

I post this not to boast but because I find it surreal. I know everyone has gushed over the photo, but…I don’t know, I’m missing something. I certainly like that it came out so crisply, and I like the way the water looks, and I enjoy that I centered it pretty well, but it’s missing that something that catches my eye when it comes to photos. All of this said, art is always subjective, and I by no means don’t want people to enjoy the picture. (It’s Creative Commons licensed, so feel free to use it for non-commercial purposes so long as you attribute it to me. If you’d like to use it commercially, please drop me an email.)

For the sake of a full explanation: the picture was taken while on the Queensboro bridge, on the north side walkway. There are a number of sections of the walkway that have no fencing up; I just happened to be going by one of these sections as the tram was coming up. The photo is unretouched – no cropping, no level tweaking. It was taken with my much derided Cybershot DSC-T7.

I did get one gripe from a friend about how he wished it would’ve been taken with a DSLR; perhaps after Sunday. (cue minor chord!)


On a personal note, I’m in Maryland until Monday for the holiday. I won’t be terribly responsive on AIM, or via any other channel you may be trying to contact me. Email is a safe bet, though. Happy whatever you’re celebrating, all!

Endured Narrated

The Walk To Work

7:34 - Starting My Walk

I promised myself I would do it at least once. Yes, this morning I left bright (!) and early at 7:30 to walk to my office on the Upper East Side.

7:41 - Steinway

After getting over the GCP, I cut down Steinway Street, which was thankfully empty and uncrowded. It’s also full of odd businesses, so that didn’t hurt either.

8:14 - Ruth

Ruth from work was my walking buddy, which made the commute considerably more pleasant and enjoyable.

Once we hit Northern Boulevard, we got asked by a lot of desperate drivers if we needed a ride. It was tempting, but the truth is, we were moving faster than they were.

8:31 - Bikes and Peds Only

Getting from my house to the entrance of the pedestrian walkway for the bridge only took an hour, which is about what I expected, maybe even a little better.

8:43 - Roosevelt Island

Once on the bridge, there were some fantastic photo opportunities, particular once you hit Roosevelt Island. Just based on the pictures I pulled out today, I’m planning on doing the walk again sometime when it’s warmer out.

8:49 - Crammed Tram

The Roosevelt Island Tram made an appearance just as I hit a fenceless patch of the bridge, so I lucked out with a picture. I’ve taken the tram before, and on the right day, it can be downright pleasant. But given the volume of people in there, I’m rather glad I didn’t try today. As Janelle pointed out, “not good for claustrophobics with fears of heights…”

The total walk took about 1:40, which was right around my estimate. My legs are okay (foot still hurts a little, but Advil has saved the day), my brain has returned to normal, and I’m almost – *almost* – looking forward to the walk home. Probably will take a different route, though.

(If you’d like to see the few more pictures of the walk, just check my photos tagged with “walktowork”.)


Weapons of Mass Irritation

Last time I [posted about a mashup](, I wrote:

> Every now and then, there’s a mashup so goofy, so absurd, that you can only listen and try your damnedest not to die with laughter.

Today, I need to add a corollary:

Every now and then, there’s a mashup that is such a crime against humanity, that you can only listen in abject terror. It is the musical equivalent of a kick in the balls, and yet you will be unable to delete it.

If this isn’t enough warning, consider these quotes I’ve already gotten from people I’ve pawned it off on:

*”There is no god.”*

*”Seriously, who ever did this needs to be tracked down and beaten to death.”*

If that’s not enough warning, this is the last bit I can give before you go over the abyss: One of the source songs – nay, *the* source song – has been declared as “[a stunning assemblage of awful ideas](”, and “[so monumentally vacuous, slapped together and tossed-off that it truly tests the definition of ‘song’](”, among other lofty awards this year.

Ladies and gentlemen, behold: Aber N. Stein’s [Turkey in My Humps]( [as always, [via GYBO](]

Finally, something absolutely worse than the transit strike!