


What can be accomplished with an SLR, a portrait lens, and a fighting game should not be underestimated.

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TARcon X

Name Tags

Tyler & James Win

Katie & The Winners

Kim's Captive Audience

While not quite reaching the epic fun levels of TARcon 9, TARcon X was a hit. Racers appeared, drinks were had, and we left happy.

[Flickr Photoset: TARcon X](


A Bit Of Vanity

After seeing Darren Aronofsky’s new film yesterday afternoon (certainly in my top five for the year), I’ve been thinking a bit about age/life/death/monkey surgery. Nothing too heavy, certainly not enough to turn into a long-winded post.
I noticed something today while I was pushing up some photos I took yesterday. This was a self-portrait I took of myself over two years ago, in October of 2004:

On The Phone

This is me yesterday:


I’m not sure what caused it – the make of the camera? the red monochrome filter? the hair that’s nearing the length it was in high school? the face I’m making? – but I look younger, and that freaks me out.

I’m older than I’ve ever been, and now I’m even older.