
Cloudy Downtime Music

I’ve been informed by the vengeful gods of Victoly LLC, my beloved hosting company, that we are joining the future and moving to a new colo host that will thrust my websites high into the atmosphere and place my web applications into the cloud.

I mention this not because it’s particularly interesting, but because it will require a coordinated downtime across all five of my web offerings.

Luckily for you, there’s plenty of groundwork to be done first. I’ll provide further details when the downtime draws nearer.


Pat’s Papers Launches

One of things I miss most about being in NYC proper anymore is not having NY1 on my cable box. The TV in our bedroom rarely would change off of NY1, especially in the morning when Pat Kiernan would provide a very calming (and slightly sarcastic) take on the news. (My love of NY1 in the past was noted by Mr. Kiernan.)

Pat – who if you’re outside NYC, you probably know best from VH1’s World Series Of Pop Culture – also happens to be on Facebook, and today let all his friends know of his newest endevour: Pat’s Papers. No longer limited to reading just the NYC papers, Pat’s going national.

Being once again able to have Pat read the papers to me in the morning is a great joy. (Pat has also mentioned that a podcast version is coming soon.)


Extremely Rapid Game Development

Seen on AppShopper during my nightly browsing (red emphasis mine):

Releasing a sequel to an “award winning card game pack” one hour after its release? Talk about agile development.

To make a less joke-y point about marketing: if you are porting games from another platform, avoid citing awards that may not apply to your software on the new platform, such as “Best PocketPC Card Game in 2003”.