
Beatport 2.0

Close your eyes and imagine the following:

A music store with a clean interface and multiple ways to browse and search for music.

A music store that offers you three formats for your purchases: 320kbps unprotected MP3, 192kbps VBR unprotected MP4, and lossless WAV.

A music store with no DRM.

A music store where you can have your files send to you on CD if you want to have a backup copy.

A music store that gives you two minute previews.

A music store that works with any MP3 player you may have – as well as any DJ software or media player you might have, regardless of platform.

A music store that specializes entirely in electronic music of every genre – drum’n’bass to chill out, disco house to anthem trance.

A music store where the majority of tracks are well over seven minutes long.

A music store where, even with all this functionality, most tracks are $1.29 – and none are more than $1.99.

Now open your eyes.

That picture in your mind – does it look like Beatport 2.0?

I’ve just put in my first order with them for eight tracks, and the process is as smooth as the iTunes Music Store. The tracks are all well tagged (although BPM data would be nice), high quality, and it’s just all very smooth.

If you like electronic music even in the slightest, please check it out. I think you’ll really like it.