
Channel 102 January Screening Date

For those of you who get easily excited over short funny films (like me!), you’ll be happy to know that the next [Channel 102]( screening will be on January 30th at 8:30PM, at Anthology Film Archives.

If you’re in NYC, you have no excuse not to come. [Mark that you’re coming]( on upcoming or drop me a note, as it’s more fun with a friend.


Hit The X

> *A few weeks ago I was walking down 31st Street near 8th Avenue and noticed a four-foot tall ledge protruding from a seemingly abandoned building.*

> *The next logical step was to stage an Improv Everywhere Mission with a suicide jumper on the absurdly small ledge.*

If those two sentences don’t sell you, I don’t know what will.

[Read all about it](, or [just watch the video](

DID YOU KNOW: Will the Suicide Jumper shares a first name with [the hilariously funny guy who played him](!



Every now and then, there’s a mashup so goofy, so absurd, that you can only listen and try your damnedest not to die with laughter.
[This](!.mp3) is one such mashup. (Source: [GYBO](

Also worth noting, the upcoming [Gray Tuesday]( Having heard the album, I can safely say that this is far more awesome than the Grey Album ever was. And I’m not just saying that because they mashed [Doctorin’ The Tardis]( into Holiday.