Enjoyed Recommended

Quick Thoughts – Ma Peche / Momofuku Midtown

I was overjoyed this morning to see Zach Brooks from Midtown Lunch reporting that Má Pêche (aka “Momofuku Midtown”) was serving food on the mezzanine level. (The full restaurant is not yet open.)

Being in the middle of Project Momo – where I am inadvertently visiting every Momofuku establishment in a ten day time span – I would be remiss in not going and trying out Má Pêche, even in this limited capacity.

Enjoyed Recommended

The Disqus Challenge

Last night, I conducted a small experiment: I switched the internal Movable Type commenting system for Disqus.

For background: leaving feedback on my blog, I’ve been told repeatedly, has been too difficult and too cumbersome, and so my rate of feedback has plummeted greatly. This has been caused by a chain of inconveniences:

  1. Years ago, I became fed up with blog spam and wished to have no part of it, and shut off anonymous comments. This is a huge wall for people wishing to leave feedback.
  2. Movable Type’s login methods are largely grounded in a Javascript wrapper that can be finicky.
  3. The types of authentication supported – LiveJournal, TypeKey, OpenID – are not nearly as popular as, say, Facebook or Twitter.

All Points West 2009

Girl Talk

This Friday through Sunday is the return of All Points West, the reasonable successful music festival at Liberty State Park in Jersey City.

Bands I am personally excited to see: MSTRKRFT, Flying Lotus, Peanut Butter Wolf, Yeah Yeah Yeahs, Jay-Z, Trail Of Dead, Crystal Castles, The Ting Tings, Tool, My Bloody Valentine, MGMT, Mogwai, and Coldplay. While I may end up completely thrashed after three consecutive days of 9+ hours of music, the close proximity made the three day passes too tempting. It is quite literally in our neighborhood.

For those attending who prefer electronic calendars, I had transcribed the entire set list schedule into a public Google Calendar, but since the festival has now closed, I have deleted it.

Hope to see you there.