With much quick walking, stair jumping, and diving between closing doors, I squeeze into the C train that I couldn’t even see as I descended below 8th Ave.
As the sounds of Departure by Akino Lee (possibly the best sounding GuitarFreaks song I’ve found), I reflect on a morning of cutting wires in our phone system like they were connected to a bomb. An afternoon of lugging iMacs and the Xserve around, and migrating bits of data from one to another. A dusk of again racking my brain as to why the store is faulting out, to discover the problem involved 1969, 11 years before I was born.
The train arrives at 42nd Street, and I begin my underground race, as though I were playing Crazy Taxi and trying to pass as many people as possible on the way to my destination. Not The Same by Ben Folds makes me wonder where the usual horde of Jesus freaks with shouting voices have gone off to.
The bum that I saw a few days ago, sitting sprawled out at the bottom of the stairs to the uptown N/W/R/Q line is back, still hoping that his mere inconvenience will invoke charity.
There’s an R leaving and that doesn’t bother me. The W pulls up just a little later and I lean onto a pole, as the stifling heat in this particular car makes me feel just a touch more tired.
A seat opens as we hit Lexington, and I’m more than happy to take it. Sadly, there’s no one remarkable on the train as we speed towards the daylight again.
I realized (again) today that life is too short to get hung up on fighting other people for less than important causes. All I’ve seen as of late are rash decisions, hurtful words, and tears with so much emotion behind them that sitting here thinking about them nearly brings me to tears.
My previous description of “daylight” is sorely wrong. What they say is true – it’s later than you think.
What has happened to us collectively when so many people let rage consume them on a regular basis? I’m certainly not excluding myself here. Fights are dragged out for days, weeks, months. Fought across multiple mediums.
We all seem to have endless amounts of drama baggage that goes back years and years. Why is it the only kind of baggage that never gets lost?
If you think this post is about you, you’re wrong.
It’s about everyone.
I’m out for now.
Author: Dan Dickinson
I’ve Got Good News
You might be here hoping I can shed light on the recent drama on DDRFreak. Or maybe you just want some insight into the mod process behind Phrekwenci’s removal as a moderator, since he referenced me in his “announcement”. Unfortunately, this post is going to sadly disappoint you.
Generally, the happenings of the “hidden board” of DDRFreak – the moderator board – are strictly off-limits to discussion outside of the board. Obviously, this isn’t always kept true, especially given the events of the past few weeks. There would certainly could be a positive effect if someone came forward and explained what had happened – but the chances of repercussions, or the potential for the facts to set off more firestorms (because you know someone will be pissed), are way too high to violate the moderator agreement.
Since I became a mod a little over a year ago (has it only been that long?), I’ve definitely been through a lot of trials and tribulations. Every time I think I’ve seen the worst of it, there will always be a worse incident somewhere down the road. Regardless of whatever I try to keep the peace (and I try often), it never seems to last. VJ Army’s board, by comparison, is a refreshing cake walk. Eventually, you grow tired and want to move on with your time and energy. Don’t be surprised if that day comes soon for me.
Note: This tutorial is also available in O’Reilly’s OS X Panther Hacks.
Further Reading: I have also published an intermediate tutorial, with 10 steps to leverage more power with Quicksilver. There’s also Gold Trigger, which helps you understand the trigger system.
This isn’t Ronco. I’m not an excitable friend from across the ocean with red hair and a bowtie and a British accent. You’re not watching Amazing Discoveries.
But I swear, if you give me 10 minutes and you follow my simple directions, you can go from merely using Mac OS X to owning it.
This probably sounds like bullshit, I know. I wouldn’t have believed it myself had I not tried this app and felt my jaw drop over and over again for the last year. So standby to win.
Before you start, you will need to have:
- A Mac running Mac OS X 10.4 or better.
- Data, in any of the following forms – iTunes library, iPhoto albums, Address Book entries, bookmarks in any browser, whatever.
Got all that? Let’s begin.
Please note this was originally written using Quicksilver Beta 19, and has been updated repeatedly. The information contained within is currently up-to-date through b42 “Corgi”. As development goes rapidly on Quicksilver, things may have changed since I last updated this.