

LOL AMERICAN CHEESE, originally uploaded by Dan Dickinson.

Despite all my best intentions to take arty, beautiful pictures of the city, I somehow get the feeling people are going to respond to this one a lot more than my other photos.


Torus Trooper

ABA Games has become somewhat synonymous with “fantastic, free games” over the last few years. Few gamers have been able to escape the shmup-y* goodness of such fantastic releases as Noiz2sa, rRootage, and Tumiki Fighters.
After playing Tumiki Fighters a few months ago, I honestly thought that would be the best that ABA could ever release. It was cute, it was more than just a bullet shower, and it was fun to play. What else could be done?
How sweet it is to be wrong and to behold Torus Trooper. Part Tempest, part F-Zero, part Rez, and – of course – part shmup, Torus Trooper is a frantic, fantastic game to play – and it’s totally free. Playing this should be required by law.
If you’re on OS X, you can find Torus Trooper here, along with ports of other ABA games. Many thanks to shinichiro.h for these ports.


VJ Army New User Amnesty

Anyone dying to register for VJ Army without a registration code can register for the next two weeks without one.
Please spread the word.