
Week 5 Complete

Sunday morn and I’m waking up…but enough with the Chemical Brothers.
Moby tickets sold out in 6 hours, which ain’t too bad. Most of my circle
of friends (there’s a joke to be made about them all being jerks, and
that being a circle-jerk) are in row F center, which are awesome seats.
I will hopefully be once again leading the security crew to certain
Chuck D. on Thursday was awesome; very down to earth guy with a lot of
good thoughts on the digital music situation. He was also extremely
hilarious. I can’t even begin to list all the jokes he pulled.
Some people were under the idea (myself included) that it might be a
good idea for me to run for CCC Exec Board. I found out on Friday that
my friend John Weissman (our current Promotion Director) is running for
the position I would have wanted to run for. Since John and I have a
very similar taste in music, I see no real reason to run against him.
Sorry to those of you hoping.
This week shall be extremely hellish for me, with 4 prelims spanning
Tuesday (Cog 101 in the morning, CS 414 in the evening), Wednesday (CS
381 at 9 AM), and Thursday (OR 350 in the evening). After all this is
said and done, I’m driving down to Kate’s house for Fall Break – so if
you need to get in touch with me, do it soon because I’ll be unavailable
until late on the 10th.


Producers and Consumers

In an effort to follow through with something I promised a while back, I
have finally packaged up all I’m using for my news script, along with
proper MySQL schema, and made it available on my page. The link is off
to the bottom right, feel free to leech it there.
Disclaimer: Use at your own risk. Your web page may start to be smarmy
and irritable like mine after installation.
Coming up next may be the calendar script, or possibly a version of
gfortune I compiled for OS X.


Monday Night Blah

Well…it’s nearing midnight, and I figured it might be about time to do
one of those fun news post things. Now, do I go with the unnumbered
list, or the paragraph with boldface? Hey, how about stream of
Went home this weekend to fix the computer, played a crapload of Chrono
Cross. Fun game. Also rented the UFC game for DC this weekend, which is
fucking nuts in the way that I love fucking nuts games. Shame it has to
go back Wednesday. Too much work to do this week, mainly in the school
arena, what with the 3 problems sets and one writeup for 264, oh and the
4 prelims next week isn’t helping my demenor any. Moby tickets on sale
Wednesday at 9 am, details are below, cash or check only, none of that
Cornell card shit. Chuck D is this Thursday, still don’t have most of my
tickets accounted for, but oh well, what can you do? Freeverse site is
coming along well now that Steve and I are working in unison, I think we
may actually pull off something extremely spiffy but as long as I keep
this stream of conciousness crap gooing, typing at a ridiculously high
speed while slouched in my chair, I don’t think the site is going to get
done any faster.
Wow, that was different. Maybe I’ll do that again in the future.