What follows are hastily jotted down observations about New Orleans:
I passed a free standing building entitled “JAX DAX” – selling only daquaris. Well, there was a sign in the window for EGG NOG as well.
Sign for a business entitled “DOLLAR $NACK” – no idea what they were selling.
Passed Crescent City Baptist Schools, which was an elongated building – like a car dealership. Also helping this mentality: A large sign, with a logo and phone number, and in bold letters underneath: “OUR PRE-SCHOOL CHILDREN CAN READ – CAN YOURS?”
I saw at least three buildings labeled with “BLDG.” after their name. Apparently it’s easy to forget that buildings are buildings in Louisiana.
Another oddly named business: “Spa’n Tub World”. No space between the “spa” and the “‘n”. Still can’t figure out proper pronounciation of this.
Another business: “Big Fat Christmas Tree Company”.
Advertisement: CHRISTMAS ON BROADWAY. At the Baton Rouge Casino, which is arguably not on Broadway.
I went into the cleanest mall I’ve ever been into in my life – the Canal Place mall – which is like a miniature 5th Avenue. Lots of fashion designers and such, with a little indy theatre at the top. The only odd part? Two school buses were parked out in front of Sak’s 5th Avenue.
In another shopping stretch, a store entitled “Del Sol” – selling only hypercolor-style shirts and merchandise.
In the same mall, I walked by a fudge shop three times, not giving it any notice other than the smell of fudge eminating from it. On the fourth pass, I thought to myself – thinking I was being witty – “I wonder what they’re making at the fudgery!” I looked up – the place was, in fact, named “FUDGERY”. I left defeated by my own joke.
Fun at conferences at hotels: The fact that everyone uses the same shampoo. 150 heads all smelling of peppermint rosemary leads to some nice aromatherapy.
Strangeness of the W: The minibar contained an “intimacy kit”. Two condoms, tube of lube, and some antiseptic wipes. $10.
The casino across the street from the hotel had both “Winning For Dummies” and “Jeff Foxworthy You Might Be A Redneck” slots.
All that said, I enjoyed the area, and I hope to head back there sometime.
Category: Uncategorized
Katie the Bag Lady
Katie was mentioning that there was a new bag she wanted for her birthday. I immediately went into the closet and threw every bag she owns on the floor.
After some laughter over the absurdity of her collection, we decided to make a little photo shoot out of it.
Agenda, Remainder of 2004
Now that the New Orleans trip has completed, and I’m back in NYC, I realize that most of the remainder of the month is booked. In the hopes of those people who enjoy my company being able to find me and perhaps join us for fun, here’s the lowdown:
12/11 – That’s today. Going to Manhattan for some shopping. Kicking myself over not having tickets for the Onion Holiday Party.
12/12 – Going to see Life Aquatic at 2:00 PM at Loews Lincoln Center.
12/13 – Work.
12/14 – Work.
12/15 – Work.
12/16 – OAC’s holiday party. I’ll be out till 9 or so.
12/17 – Slice Club! We’ll be joining Adam and the other pizza nuts for an evening of slices and skating. If you wish to join us, you need to RSVP by the 14th.
12/18 – it’s Katie’s 25th birthday! During the day we’ll be making our way to the Burberry store to pick up her birthday present (iPod case), and in the evening we’ll be heading to Matsu to have Gary lavish Katie with food. Anyone who wants to do something should contact Katie or I.
12/19 – Katie’s parents come up for Fauxmas and birthday continued celebration. They will be staying the night.
12/20 – Work.
12/21 – Work.
12/22 – Katie, Buttons and I jump on JetBlue for Ithaca.
12/23 – In Ithaca, soaking up the Ithacaness.
12/24 – Christmas Eve traditional festivities.
12/25 – Christmas proper.
12/26 – Mom + Dad + Buttons + Katie + I + presents hop in the car and return to Queens; parents continue on to Mass. to visit grandma.
12/27 – Work.
12/28 – Work.
12/29 – Work.
12/30 – Ladies and gentlemen, it’s your very last 2004 Tinkle. Todd, David, Jon – plus Paul Tompkins and Fred Armisen at the very least. A year ago, I saw Yo La Tengo play at Tinkle. Five months ago, I saw Ted Leo. Who else will get added to the list? You better be there to find out. Besides company we will have coming up, we invite EVERYONE AND ANYONE we know to join us for the best comedy in NYC. Please drop me an IM or an email if you’re going to be attending – the more the merrier. 21+ only, though.
12/31 – New Years Eve. We’re doing something, but we’re not sure what yet.
And that finishes out 2004. In a bit of sad new, it’s now looking 90% sure that I will not be attending MacWorld San Francisco this year; it would appear my next west coast trek will be in June for WWDC. Should this change, though, I’ll let you know immediately.