
Uncork The Champagne: Eudora Is Dead

Peter [breaks the happy news](

> Qualcomm on Wednesday announced plans to release future versions of its Eudora e-mail client software as open source. The company is collaborating with The Mozilla Foundation to base the next version of Eudora on Mozilla’s Thunderbird e-mail software.

> The company has released the final commercial versions of Eudora for Mac ad Windows, and is selling them at a reduced price of $19.95 with a six-month tech support period (customers who have already paid will have their tech support commitments honored in their entirety).

I have never been so happy to see a piece of software die in my life.


All Singing, All Dancing Crap Of The World

All Singing, All Dancing Crap Of The World

No matter how bad life has got you down, you cannot have it as bad as this poor gentleman.

A return to serious blogging later.


Follow-Up Justification for Save Yourself

Just to follow up on [my game save post](, this was on Gamespot today:

**[Iwata on ‘The End of Indifference to Games’](**

>As an indicator of the market’s health, Iwata cited the number of game users per household in light of the Nintendo DS’s popularity. Console game machine users usually number between 2.2 and 2.8 users per household. By contrast, the Nintendo DS is used by three people on average per home–on other handhelds, this figure is 2.0 per household. Iwata speculated that “adjusting for single-person households, there are probably households of four or more in which everyone plays the DS.”

Three DS users per household, yet we still have games that pretend that only one person would ever want to save data on it at a time.