
CherryPie Goes Live

People have occasionally asked me why I don’t do a Guitar Hero (or GuitarFreaks, or DDR, or any other game) score site, to match [VJ Army]( and [Pop’n Navy]( Long story short, I barely have enough time to keep those two sites held together – many would say I fail at that – let alone to code more sites. I’m always much happier to see other people code their own sites, and I’m generally available to share my experiences wrestling Bemani into PHP.

Thus, I’m happy to note that [Yanik “Sakurina” Magnan]( has just opened his Guitar Hero score site, [CherryPie]( It certainly shares a great deal of functionality with VJA/PNN, so if you’re familiar with my sites, this may be the GH score tracker for you.


The Party Ends

When you have to choose between truth and legend, I say choose the legend.

[RIP, Tony Wilson.](


Give Me Back My Son

[Via Will Hines](, a terribly delightful improv warmup game that pays tribute to Mel Gibson:

(Warning: Video contains a lot of overacting and yelling.)

Will explains:

> So the warm-up works like this: everyone stands in a circle except one in the middle. That person approaches someone in the outer circle and demands “Give me back my son!” with complete dramatic commitment — inspired by Mel Gibson’s over-dramatic delivery in the movie Ransom — trying to get the outer circle person to laugh. It’s to practice emotional commitment and also making your teammates laugh — two valuable skills.