
Die, Foleo, Die

Palm CEO Ed Colligan announced today that the Palm Foleo is dead:

> In the course of the past several months, it has become clear that the right path for Palm is to offer a single, consistent user experience around this new platform design and a single focus for our platform development efforts. To that end, and after careful deliberation, I have decided to cancel the Foleo mobile companion product in its current configuration and focus all of our energies on delivering our next generation platform and the first smartphones that will bring this platform to market. We will, of course, continue to develop products in partnership with Microsoft on the Windows Mobile platform, but from our internal platform development perspective, we will focus on only one.

Kudos to Gruber for nailing the appropriate response:

> Everyone knew this thing was a turd except for Palm. Well, it looks like they’ve figured it out — but only after (a) announcing it; (b) blowing millions on developing it; and (c) its original ship date. The sooner you realize a mistake the better, but at this point it’s hard not to see the company as a joke. Credit, though, to Palm CEO Ed Colligan for making the announcement in his own voice on the company weblog, rather than hiding behind a mealy-mouthed press release.


Battle Of The Awesome Non-Sequitur Adverthings

Both of the following are advertisements, kind of. Both don’t make much sense. Regardless, both are AWESOME.

Without further ado, for your consideration:

A Glass And A Half

A new ad campaign from Cadbury that has almost nothing to do with delicious chocolate. Features the music of Phil Collins. If that wasn’t enough, after you’re done watching the video, read the transcript.


A flash clock application from UNIQLO that has almost nothing to do with hip japanese clothing. Features the music from Fantastic Plastic Machine. If that wasn’t enough, after you’re done getting entranced by it, partake in the UNIQLOCK BLOG PARTS™.

Enjoyed Found

I Love Cat And Girl

If you’re not reading C&G every day, something is wrong with you.

This one is now up on my wall at work, along with a one-off and The Golden Age Of Diminishing Returns, both from Diesel Sweeties.

I am a firm believer of putting up comics other than Dilbert in my workspace.