
WWDC Sendoff

Today is the magic day; in six hours, I’ll be leaving on a jet(blue) plane, winging my way towards San Francisco towards what will be a week of me taking in sessions, meeting up with people, and plugging things in to recharge them on a regular basis.

The interest in the keynote from Steve has risen sharply in the last 12 hours as CNet swears that Apple is going to announce a switch to Intel chips. I’m a little dubious still – I had my money on an Intel-based tablet, not a full architecture switch – but I consider this to be most interesting. Either CNet will have burned all of what little was left of their credibility, or there will be blood splattered on the walls of the Presidio. Win-win in my book.

As a reminder, my WWDC Itinerary is fully up to date and contains all the info you need to stalk me like a wild animal through the halls of Moscone West.

I will be blogging every session I’m in while at WWDC, but only the keynote thoughts will appear on this blog. Individual sessions will appear on my workblog, which (unsurprisingly) isn’t available to those people who don’t work for OAC. Be sure to also keep your eye on the Flickr pool, as it’s sure to have a variety of strange happenings.

Also, the customary navel-gazing birthday post will appear promptly on June 6th. I know you can’t wait for that.

(Picture above is from last year at WWDC, of the not-quite-unfurled Apple logo.)


Cue Vengaboys!

Katie and I made the trek to Six Flags Great Adventure today. We took lots and lots of photos, as one might expect. Here is a Flickr set containing all of mine, along with the trademark snappy comments.

We did manage to ride Kingda Ka, the new ridiculously overpowered coaster. While the fact sheet gives you the raw technical numbers – 0 to 128 mph in 3.5 seconds, then up 456 feet, then down the same amount – and this streaming video will give you a general idea of what the ride is like, let me present you my personal version of the experience to drive the point home:

– The line is long, *much* longer than the actual ride. We lucked out, by going on a weekday and finding our way over right after the ride had opened; our wait was only 65 minutes. I’ve been told by coaster fanatic friends that the lines can go up to 5 hours long.
– There is a sign near the front politely informing you that on occasion, the cars *don’t* make it over the 456 foot hill, but they were designed to gracefully come back down to the base and then re-launch. This will haunt you the entire time you’re in line.
– You are forced to watch these cars go from 0 to 128 mph over, and over, and over while you’re in line.
– As such, by the time you’re actually in the car, you – and everyone else – will be screaming the second it leaves the station, even though you probably have another minute before you’re screwed.
– Ride in one of the first two rows. Do not ride in the last row.
– There is a horn that blows shortly before you take off. This horn can be heard everywhere in the park. This horn will haunt you.
– The 0-to-128 acceleration is so quick that my eyelids were literally shaking in the wind.

The rest of the park is crap, but I’m certainly glad we got to ride what will be the most notorious coaster for at least the next few years.


Gorillaz Q&A

Today, I burned my last two personal hours for the fiscal year on joining the crowd of fans at the Union Square Virgin Megastore to see the Gorillaz – or at least Damon Alburn, Jamie Hewitt, and DJ Danger Mouse – give a very quick (and slightly bizarre) interview. I then promptly had my special edition of the album signed, grabbed my 7″ picture disk bonus for buying the album from Virgin, and bounced back onto the subway.

I must give tons of credit to the Virgin Megastore for completely botching nearly everything, from the horrible crowd setup to the lack of a line for the signing to such minutae as “not being able to hear most of the answers”. That said, it was still reasonably fun.
Below are the questions as I jotted them down as fast as I could; Damon answered most of the questions, but passed the mic when necessary. I apologize for factual or typographical errors; these should not be taken as exact quotes for your safety.

**Regular Interview**

*What’s the best part of being a 2D outfit?*

Everything is fake anyhow, so they can be *really* fake.

*What made you take this album in a darker direction?*

They made the last one in 2000, and made this one in 2005.

*How did you get in an iPod ad?*

Damon can’t really speak to the business side of it, but he feels the iPod promotes something (didn’t catch exactly what he said) that shares the spirit of the band.

*Any word on a new tour?*

They’d like to do one, but there are no plans yet. They’re very expensive tours, and theydon’t want to do the exact same thing as last time to show the band, so they’re still thinking about how to go about it this time.

*What were you listening to while you worked on Demon Days?*

Danger Mouse listened to spaghetti westerns, old psychedelic albums and the like; Damon wasn’t listening to anything, as he finds it difficult to listen to someone else and create his own work at the same time.

*How is Search For A Star going?*

It’s going well; they are moving into closing stages, and have found some very strange talent. The winner will come and work with them as a new Gorillaz collaborator.

*Are there any other bands you’d like to see get a cartoon makeover?*

“All of them.”

*Is there another Gorillaz project in the pipeline?*

Yes, something very different, which involves kung fu.

*What’s the first record each of you bought with your own money?*

Damon says Combat Rock, Jamie admits to the theme from Ghostbusters (to many cheers), and Danger Mouse claims some iron maiden record, although he can’t recall which one.

*What’s the first concert you went to?*

Danger Mouse says he didn’t go to concerts as a kid, so the first real concert would be The Roots. Jamie can’t remember, and Damon cops to Nick Kershel.

**Fan Questions**

(The first question is posed by an obnoxious super fan who makes everyone in the crowd groan.)

*This is a three part question for 2D – did Noodle teach the rest of the band any Japanese curse words? What is it about Clint Eastwood that makes 2D’s day? And is 2D a geek in zombie clothing?*

No, he has interesting politics, and yes.

*Where did the fashion sense and design for the band come from?*

Jamie’s local supermarket, and Tokyo.

*Are we the last living souls?*

“Let’s hope not.”

*What happened to Rocket?*

Rocket was only supposed to be a little cheap free thing on the website, never meant to be a real song.

*The tour last time had different rappers than the album did; will the live tracks be released?*

The band has so many collaborators, it’s difficult to release everything, so probably not.

*Which band member is responsible for the Left Hand Suzuki Method?*

Damon is left handed, which sort of balances out the awesomeness of the Suzuki method.

*Will there be another version of Demon Days, as Laika Come Home was for the first album?*

Yes, it will be a pure R&B album, they hope to have Beyonce singing Last Living Souls. (Big laugh.)

*What were your outside inspirations while making the album?*

“Films. People. Mushrooms.”

*Have you ever done drugs?*

“No. What a stupid question.”

*Who’s idea was it to do a song in 5/4?*

Damon, as he felt is was a much maligned time signature.

*To Danger Mouse: After The Grey Album, how does it feel to be working on a project like this?*

“Well, as long as it sells 10 million copies, I’m in the clear.”

*What about a new Blur album?*


*Who are Jamie’s comic inspirations?*

“Chuck Jones, mostly.”

*What was the motivation for the last two songs on Demon Days?*

“We felt that after going into hell near the end, the album needed some sort of a happy ending.”