Happened Narrated Reflected

To Hannah and Jason

Thank you all for coming today.

I am not normally the type to give wedding speeches. Despite the nearly fifteen wedding ceremonies I have attended since my own wedding in 2002, I have never once been asked to give a speech about the couple. (To be fair to my friends and family, I have not volunteered to, either.)

Best Of Enjoyed Narrated

You Made Me Realize: APW 2009

This is mud. Three hours of heavy rain shortly after the start of the festival combined with a not insignificant number of feet walking across the grounds combined with the frequent animal visitors to the park (geese / dogs / feral cats / et cetera) yield a unique mud blend that is extremely slick yet sticky and also heavily smells of shit. While the texture will threaten to cause you both to slip and to be stuck, this is temporary and location based. The smell will burn your nostrils for the duration of the festival no matter where you are positioned.

This is how you discover your new favorite band, later.


All Points West 2009

Girl Talk

This Friday through Sunday is the return of All Points West, the reasonable successful music festival at Liberty State Park in Jersey City.

Bands I am personally excited to see: MSTRKRFT, Flying Lotus, Peanut Butter Wolf, Yeah Yeah Yeahs, Jay-Z, Trail Of Dead, Crystal Castles, The Ting Tings, Tool, My Bloody Valentine, MGMT, Mogwai, and Coldplay. While I may end up completely thrashed after three consecutive days of 9+ hours of music, the close proximity made the three day passes too tempting. It is quite literally in our neighborhood.

For those attending who prefer electronic calendars, I had transcribed the entire set list schedule into a public Google Calendar, but since the festival has now closed, I have deleted it.

Hope to see you there.