
Election Day Reading List

Arianna Huffington declares The Internet the big winner of the 2008 election:

From the way campaigns connect to supporters, to the way those campaigns are covered, to the way voters decide who to vote for, 2008 has delivered the first truly 21st century presidential race. And election night promises to fortify the Internet’s victory.

Andrew Sullivan on why he’s voting for Barack Obama:

But there is something about his rise that is also supremely American, a reminder of why so many of us love this country so passionately and are filled with such grief at what has been done to it and in its name. I endorse Barack Obama because I will not give up on America, because I believe in America, and in her constitution and decency and character and strength.

Nate Silver on what to watch for tonight.


Jersey City, 5:58 AM

Let’s make this count, folks.


Music Television Music Dot Com

It feels like it’s about five or six years late to the game – well after MTV crowbarred “music” from their offerings to the youth of the nation – but is pure awesome as a repository of legitimate, often ancient, music videos.

Welcome back to semi-relevance, MTV.