Enjoyed Narrated

A Short Marathon Of Marathon Anecdotes


After school, once a week, a handful of us would stay late and gather in the Mac lab. We had an agreement with the lab supervisor, and we intended to invoke it to the fullest degree possible.

We shut down At Ease, Apple’s woefully simplistic security software, and loaded up what we were after. Performas and PhoneNet connectors linked us together as we shut off the lights (yes, at 3 in the afternoon), pulled the blinds, and locked the door.

Even the locked door wasn’t enough to keep the noise in as we joyfully slaughtered each other in Marathon.



I was sitting at home, following the news coming in from Macworld San Francisco, when the bomb dropped: Bungie bought out by Microsoft. Halo in jeopardy.

What happened next in the Mac gaming community can only be described as an epic meltdown.

In the midst of all of this, I IMed my tele-boss, Ian Lynch Smith of [Freeverse]( We were both in a mild state of shock.

Curiosity struck. I asked, with the innocence only an intern can muster: “So if Microsoft ever came to you and offered you a bunch of money, would you take it?”

I cannot remember the exact response, but essentially: “In a heartbeat.”



It would be my final few months at Freeverse, although I didn’t know it at the time. After months of cranking on a few titles, we needed some sort of relief.

I quickly went on a search for a network game that could meet three criteria:

– Free to play.
– We were all familiar with it.
– Maximum fun in minimum time.

It did not take long to land on [Aleph One](, the open source version of Marathon. A lunchtime ritual was born.



Freeverse has [dropped the “Software” from their name](, and announced they’re [porting Marathon 2 to XBLA.](

I’ve been blessed with glimpses into the development of this project during my occasional visits to the old office. I’m no stranger to game development, but this was distinctly odd.

If you’ve never identified yourself as a “Mac gamer” (the phrase remains laughable), it may seem so odd to identify one game with an open-ended platform. But as Mario defined the NES, Halo defined the Xbox, and GTA defined the Playstation 2, the Marathon series *was* Mac gaming. To watch a game you have so many memories of re-evolve and re-emerge over a series of months is more than slightly surreal.

But the last time I stopped into the office, I got to play a few rounds on the LAN. I cannot describe to you how gratifying it is to get to revisit a series that brought me such joy when I was younger, and a game that’s been a thread in the weaving of my life for the last 15 years.

Marathon: Durandal is due out in the near future.

Links for further, non-anecdotal info:

* [Freeverse M:D Page](

* [Freeverse M:D Trailer](

* [Microsoft M:D Page](

* [Masses of Screenshots + Info](



While it hasn’t formally been announced to the entire department, it was seemingly announced to enough people last night that now seems to be a good time to post about it.

I am no longer a *Technology Services Analyst* with ITS. Effective July 1, I am now the *Manager, Collaborative Technologies*.

I will be heading up a new group that covers a lot of ground – wikis, enterprise IM, enterprise syndication, video conferencing, etc. This is, unsurprisingly, the stuff that I tend to be knowledgeable about. I’m looking forward to diving into it in a formal leadership role. I’m especially looking forward to see how we can do more to link technology between the three Cornell campuses.

Debated Narrated Reflected

Fiscal Year End vs. iPhone

For much of the last week, the conversation with nearly everyone I know has been the same.

“Are you getting an iPhone?”
“When are you getting in line for the iPhone?”
“Are you ditching your Sidekick?”
“I don’t understand the iPhone hype.”

I need to let you folks in on a little secret that does not immediately appear to have anything to do with the iPhone: I hate the last week of June.

Everyone, in the course of their professional lives, will find at least one day a year that fills them with dread. This day is not a surprise or appear out of the blue, but instead telegraphed by the calendar. It can be a busy season like holidays (retail), the arrival of students (education), tax season (small businesses), the end of the calendar year, whatever.

For me, it’s the last week of June, because it is the end of the fiscal year.

A Crash Course In Fiscaliciousness

Many people hear the term “fiscal year” and correct identify it as something to do with money and time. The idea is simple: your budget extends for one year. The date where one budget year stops and the next one starts is called the (say it with me now) fiscal year end.

For companies that make money, the fiscal year end is when they have to close all their deals for the accounting year to make sure they can report it to the investors as a good year. (This happens on a quarterly basis, too – hence quarterly earnings reports – but the year end raises the stakes a bit.) For institutions that aren’t in the profit business – say, education – the stakes are different.

Our goal is not to make money, but instead to spend it. And not in some willy-nilly fashion: we have countless support contracts on both hardware and software that expire in time with the fiscal year end. We also have some new purchases that we try to do if there’s money left over in the budget.

Now Back To Your Regularly Scheduled Complaining

Why this sucks: It takes anywhere from five to nine people to get a purchase from merely a requisition to a purchase order. These people must act serially, not in parallel. They often have to talk to each other, or send each other documentation. The process traditionally takes five business days and is pretty low-key.

During fiscal year end, however, it is occasionally necessary to get this full process to happen, from start to finish, within an hour.
Now repeat that well-defined, multi-person process over one hundred times. In one week.

Oh, and we must not forget about the vendors. You can’t requisition something without a vendor giving you a quote – and many vendors are slammed this time of year, as it’s their end of quarter/year as well. So best of luck trying to get quotes revised and clarified. This also means that when they do call you, it’s to get the purchase orders because they need to book that revenue.

This was a sixty hour week with almost no downtime. No windows, no sunlight (working lunches only!), the familiar smell of whiteboard markers and my laptop, the eye-ruining grid of Excel. Endless context switching, drilling through an ever increasing pile of email, scribbling on white boards, learning how mainframes work.

The Inevitable Question

Yes, you, in the back.

“Dan, I thought you worked with, you know, computers. You’ve got a degree in computer science. Last I knew you were doing server administration and all that. What the hell are you doing?”

I will skip the elaborate description of how my job got this way. The short version: I seem to have a significant gift of keeping tabs on nearly everything our organization is doing. (I blame my NADD.) This is a blessing – everyone knows they can come to me and I’ll probably have the answer, if not a direction to point them in. This is a curse – everyone knows they can come to me.

I have been pegged with so many random projects over the last year in my current role that my self-appraisal could only be completed by scrubbing over all of my outgoing mail for the last year. “Oh yeah, I did that!” is never a fun thing to hear yourself say.

And so, since it appears that nearly everything falls under my purview, so too does the fiscal year end.

Maintaining Sanity While Going Insane

This is obviously not the first year I’ve gone through this, but it was the first year where I’ve had a major portion of the workload for it. As such, here are a few observations as to how to keep your head from falling off when faced with major time-limited projects.

  • As soon as you see sit coming, firebomb your calendar. Remove anything you don’t need to be in, and blanket the rest in contiguous blocks of time. Long stripes from 9-5 every day send a clear message to your coworkers: stop booking me into your meetings.
  • Bring in things that will make you happy and remove stress – music and snacks are safe bets.
  • Prepare your family for the coming onslaught, but don’t forget to call them when you can.
  • If you feel yourself start to fry, take a lap. Find someone else and catch up with them for five minutes. Then get back to it.
  • Defer the people who call or email you. Say no. Otherwise, you will have something pulling you off point.
  • Slightly disregarding the last point: it may be in your best interest to plan something totally ridiculous as a major stress break in the middle of the project, like a group lunch. Note that this can backfire totally if you’re not careful, so try to have some extra help.

(These observations may seem obvious or useless. I think I may be writing them down more for my own future reference.)

Back to the question I started with: was I going to camp out for an iPhone? Would I join the crowd of Apple faithful, early adopters, and media circus at 5th Avenue and 59th Street? Would I be first in line for what Steve Jobs described as “the most revolutionary and exciting product in Apple’s history”?

No, friends, I would not. There was work to be done, and you better believe I got it done. The fiscal year end waits for no product launch.

I got mine Saturday instead.