
Who will pay $0.05 for me?

From Boingboing – if you use Google’s AdWords, you can figure out how much it’d be to advertise per click for your page (which is calculated based on other advertisements for similar keywords or whatever) – which roughly turns into how much you’re worth in the Googleverse.
“Dan Dickinson” is worth a whole $0.05, not 7 cents like I thought earlier. “Remy”, however, is worth $0.24 – too bad I’m #22 there.
But more interestingly, they list the average number of clicks per day – not really number of searches, but some weighted number based on their average click through rate, I believe. A sorted list of my test bed, assuming I’d pay a maximum of $5 per click, and that I’d be willing to advertise in all languages and countries:
sex – 17000
linux – 7400
porn – 4900
gay – 4500
mp3 – 4300
xxx – 3800
playstation – 2100
ps2 – 1200
google – 830
sony – 800
apple – 770
xbox – 710
microsoft – 680
napster – 550
britney spears – 380
nintendo – 360
j lo – 350
gamecube – 290
ddr – 180
grand theft auto – 160
president bush – 55
dance dance revolution – 50
gg – 47
remy – 45
pokemon – 41
konami – 21
yugioh, beatmania – 18
pump it up – 11
adult swim – 8.6
mr. show – 4.8
iidx – 2.8
bemani – 2
satsuki – 1.5
dancemania – 1
mc chris – 0.9
freeverse – 0.5
mairu – 0.2
sl1p – 0.1
8 bits of power, animal crossing, changethechannel, dan dickinson, nikari, victoly – less than 0.1


Big up and down sort of day

So I wake up yesterday, and drive Katie to work. Come back, get comfy, get some work done, head back to B&N to watch Katie’s first storytime, which was very cute although there were a lack of kids.
Stop at Best Buy, pick up the new DVDs for the day, get the car washed, come home. Get propped up for the keynote. Quicktime stream went decently. Between the Safari announcement (which I’m using right now) and the X11 unannouncement (which I’ve played with), as well as all the other random updates, it’s been a good keynote.
Get Katie from work later, bring her home, we have dinner, and she’s feeling crappy so I make the big exscursion to Play! by myself.
Ed lets me in early, and I have about 45 minutes to myself on a newly-upgraded DDREx machine. It’s bliss. Getting to play any mode I want – Oni, nonstop, doubles, singles, whatever – without having to worry about who’s next in line on a mix like this is just what I needed to draw me back one last time to DDR. Demick showed up around 7:30, so I had someone on the other side of the stage for much of my second hour.
Notable songs as of now are A (steps are nicely balanced between hard and enjoyable, and the song still rocks), bag (it sounds A LOT better on the machine than it does on the MP3s I’ve heard, and the steps are actually kind of fun, although I have to play it on 3x), V for Extreme (steps are meh, but the song edit was less notable than I thought previously), and We Will Rock You, which has the best steps EVER. I had my ass handed to me a couple of times (Stoic Heavy just destroyed me, Bag Doubles was a bit too much).
If you want to see me looking like a flailing idiot, Play has pictures up, and I’m in about 4 of them on the left side (!). I seriously need a haircut.
Katie and I will probably be heading back over there tomorrow for some more fun.
I come home, and somehow I start remembering this whole “student loan” thing. I finally find the bill, and it was due…December 28th. Not January like they had told me previously. Still, I called this morning and there’s no late fee yet, so I guess I can rest easy knowing that I only owe 147.70 this month. :/
So yeah, it was an interesting day.


The past few days

Might as well jot down another update.
So Katie had Thursday and Friday off, and we decided to make a rush trip down to Maryland to visit her parents. The trip was relaxing, with brief trips to the Mall (new scrubs, same location!), Best Buy (Wavebird #2!), Blockbuster (rented Grave Of The Fireflies, which was very good and very depressing), and Chili’s (I had far too much food).
The drive back was notable because Binghamton (and by extension, Ithaca) received 17+ inches of snow while we were gone, and our apartment had at least one power outage. Surprisingly, the roads were quite clear. I was amused to see David Friedland using this weather as an excuse to swear off Ithaca, since I’m pretty sure he’s complained about every winter. Still, David, you know what they say – 50% of the world’s worst weather passes through Ithaca, and the other 50% stays here all year. I’d rather have an occasional power outage because of snow than rolling blackouts, anyhow.
Follow-up on the MC Chris album – Hijack has entered my 5 star club, bringing the total to 18 songs. Despite it being less funny than LABAIHP, the music destroys it. Hijack, Geek, and 10 Years Old show that maybe, just maybe, Chris is taking this a little more seriously. Which is fine by me.