
Sprrrrrrrring Break

As you may have guessed by the general lack of my presence online, this
week is Spring Break. And yes, for the third straight year, Katie has
come up to join my in the lovely Ithaca area.
Spring Break is always quite hilarious because the weather before (and
generally after) Spring Break is terrible, while the week of break tends
to be beautiful and warm. And this week it has been for the most part,
getting up into the 50’s. Although today has been a little bit chilly…
During Kate’s stay here, we’ve been out to eat two times, seen 5 movies,
listened to a good amount of music, and watched gobs of TV. Capsule
reviews thus far (on my new -3 to +3 scale of rating things – isn’t this
The Boat Yard Restaurant (Surf and Turf / American) +2
Kayuga Restaurant (Japanese) +3 (as always)
Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon (Second viewing) +3
Before Night Falls +1
Almost Famous +1.5
Wonder Boys +2
Clerks +2.5
More will probably come later, unsurprisingly.
A large majority of my friends are off in California sunning themselves
– although I’m curious how they can get tans and be online so much. Oh
well. Ben and Sablingbling went to Georgia for the Coca Cola Museum, god
knows why. Nidhi is somewhere remote on a COE trip, and Neil is sticking
around in good ol’ Ithaca.
I will return to my dormy hole (get it? dormy? I live in a…oh never
mind.) on Sunday, so please don’t expect huge response times from me
before then. Till then, enjoy your time away from me