
Noo Nooze

We signed our lease today for 133 N. Quarry – a beautiful 10 bedroom
house with a wonderful landlord. Thanks to Nick Lambrou for being
extremely understanding and helpful when we needed help.
I’d also like to thank my 9 roommates for dealing with my hectic hand
waving as I tried to get the lease in order over the past week.
Hopefully I’ll get some pictures of the house soon.
Other going ons – I got slaughtered towards the end of the week with
work, but what else is new? Stress release of the week is International
Track and Field (1995) from Konami for the PSX. I’ve shattered record
after record with button mashing madness. And have you seen the movies
for the PS2 version? Insane!
Also insane – Record Town now charges $20 for a regular CD. I don’t need
to say anything, other than point all of you good people
This week should be average…next CCC show is Mos Def w/ the Black Eyed
Peas on November 12th. I hope to work stage for the first time ever, so
hopefully it’ll be fun. Check out the awesome poster that we’ve got for
the show – I have a large one on my door.
Hopefully I can write some reviews this week, I’ve got a lot of material
I want to cover. But we’ll see. Till next time, take care.


The Dreaded News Update

Well, this has been an interesting week. Let me quickly fill you in so
that I can get out the door in time for 381.
– We got denied, hardcore, for housing yesterday when someone else
signed the lease on the house we wanted. Crap. We’re looking at another
place that is potentially much better.
– The aftermath of the Moby show revealed that the dressing rooms were
trashed very badly, and that Moby is an even more bizarre guy than I
thought previously.
– I enjoy how every time I go home, I seem to log another 6 hours on
Chrono Cross.
– Hybrid’s Wide Angle rocks. I highly recommend you pick it up.
– CourseEnroll was this past week, and as usual, it was a complete
bitch. I won’t ramble on endlessly about interface issues, stupid
network connection schemes, etc.
I’m around as usual, you know where to find me.


The Sky Is Broken

The Moby/Hybrid show has come and gone; the review is up, as is a quotefile entry just from the show.
The physical pain is starting to set in, so I’m going to bed now in hopes of being able to get up at a reasonable hour.