
So It Begins

Today, I realized what is going to be the toughest non-essential decision of the semester: which teacher on Tuesday/Thursday is funnier?

Professor Mosse, who teaches CS414, is a very wacky Brazilian type, who cracks one joke every 3 minutes. Even his bad jokes are good.

On the other hand, Michael Spivey, who teaches COG 101, made a very strong leap for the lead today. In the past, his only truly wacky trait was using a sword as a pointer for his slides. But while explaining “combinational explosions” with regards to logic (lots of variables = huge truth tables), he said “Now while I don’t have any video of a combinational explosion, I do have video of a combine explosion”. He then proceeded to play (I Am Not Making This Up) a 90 second clip of him playing Carmageddon 2 and smashing other cars, people, and then finally, the combine car in the game. Such creative use of video games, let alone Carma 2, is amazing.

I’m contemplating setting up a subpage for tracking all their wacky exploits this semester. It will be a tough call, I’m sure.


Room Evaluation

This morning, I stopped into Sheldon Court to get my keys and check out my room. Here are the pros and cons that I have discovered.


  • Great location – and you really don’t here the street noise unless the window is open.
  • Friendly staff
  • Good quality chairs, bookshelves (huge!), and lights (the room is actually FULLY ILLUMINATED! Someone notify West Campus!)
  • Some interesting storage space spots.


  • It’s small.
  • It’s really small.
  • It’s smaller than ANY ROOM I HAVE LIVED IN TO DATE. Take the room Neil was in last year, make it longer and bit wider, and that’s our room. It seems like about half the size of the room I was in last year.
  • The beds are bunked and I have no idea how we’re going to unbunk them
    and still have room to live.

This is going to take some very creative redecorating.


Sunday Afternoon Nooz

Well, it’s an average Sunday around here. I’ve spent most of the day cleaning up old crap kicking around my room. In probably the most boring thing I’ll ever post to my web page, I would like to note I had a crapload of change kicking around, and rolled it for an extra $44 of income. Woot.

In the bizarre, fanatical hobby department, I finally got around to working on my Nerf gun today. For those who don’t know, I purchased a Nerf Lock N’ Load Blaster in April, and have since modified it from a semi-good gun to an ungodly gun. This sounds ridiculous, but believe me, it’s good stress relief, especially in a dorm setting. Anyhow, today I added a pullback ring, since the gun was lacking an easy cocking mechanism ever since my initial modifications, and I figured out how to reduce the recoil and increase the accuracy with some well placed tape. No more randomly flying darts! Woot!

Now that I’m done scaring all of you, on to the rest of my life. Kate gets up here on Tuesday, so as usual I won’t be around much. Thursday we’re heading up to Watertown for a wedding, so we REALLY won’t be around then. I rejoin the real world on Sunday, kicking and screaming as usual.

Anyone who’s even vagually interested in wrestling is required to check out, a site dedicated to ridiculous gimmicks. It’s in the Linkpad, if you’d rather.

Other than that, I don’t have much else to report. Campus housing opens on the 18th, and my move in will be slow and leisurely. The FV project is progressing nicely, and hopefully we’ll be ready to go by the end of the month. And Deus Ex rocks.

If you’re bored, drop me some mail.