The Friday Five from last week got me thinking about celebrities who irritate me. Indeed, it does seem like there are a lot of them.
There’s been one in the back of my mind that sort of nags at me every now and then – getting not just scorn and hatred from me, but also waves of pity.
And lo and behold, this past Easter Sunday, as I was being subjected to the Bob Hope special on NBC, in between all the third-tier NBC stars (HEY BOB HOPE – THE CAST OF HIDDEN HILLS WISHES YOU A HAPPY 100TH. YOU CARE, RIGHT?) sending their regards, and after Bruce Villanch finished babbling about the Oscars, I laid my eyes on this poor soul again.
Yes, friends, I’m talking about Martin Short and/or Jiminy Glick.
Random Nerdy Gaming Updates
So my forecast of “not being done with Light 7” seems rather silly now that I polished off all the 4th Style songs on Light 7 with not a touch of trouble. This makes me happy.
Elsewhere today, Katie and I went to the newly opened Gamestop, and managed to pick up preowned copies of Silent Hill 2 (Katie), Ico (Katie), and Castlevania SOTN (Me-me-me) for a grand total of around $42 after B&N discount and the buy-2-get-1-free deal. Not bad. Glad to have regained a copy of Castlevania, even if it was highway robbery.
Back Into The IIDX Trenches
Those who occasionally poke around the IIDX page will notice that there’s now a new mass of songs that need grades. This is due to me picking up 4th Style.
And, assuming no one outbids me, another mass of around 60 songs will appear on there as well should I win a copy of 3rd Style.
So much for being done with Light 7.