
Javascript Benchmarks: Firefox 3.0RC2 vs. Webkit r34367

The latest Firefox build, versus the latest Webkit build, using SunSpider. Testing done on my iMac (24″, 2.8 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo, 2 GB Ram) under normal conditions (other apps open, browser frontmost during the test).

COMPARISON         FIREFOX 3.0RC2       WEBKIT r34367
** TOTAL **:           1.56x as fast      2597.0ms +/- 2.1%    1666.8ms +/- 0.3%
3d:                  1.44x as fast      327.4ms +/- 5.1%     227.2ms +/- 2.1%
cube:              1.62x as fast      120.2ms +/- 1.1%     74.0ms +/- 2.9%
morph:             1.43x as fast      106.2ms +/- 14.3%    74.2ms +/- 3.6%
raytrace:          1.28x as fast      101.0ms +/- 2.8%     79.0ms +/- 0.0%
access:              1.48x as fast      363.4ms +/- 2.0%     246.0ms +/- 0.9%
binary-trees:      1.54x as fast       44.0ms +/- 2.0%     28.6ms +/- 2.4%
fannkuch:          1.61x as fast      136.4ms +/- 1.4%     84.8ms +/- 2.2%
nbody:             1.28x as fast      137.2ms +/- 6.1%     107.4ms +/- 0.6%
nsieve:            1.82x as fast       45.8ms +/- 3.0%     25.2ms +/- 2.2%
bitops:              1.53x as fast      245.0ms +/- 2.6%     159.8ms +/- 1.0%
3bit-bits-in-byte: 1.62x as fast       39.2ms +/- 5.2%     24.2ms +/- 2.3%
bits-in-byte:      2.07x as fast       62.2ms +/- 0.9%     30.0ms +/- 0.0%
bitwise-and:       1.35x as fast       65.4ms +/- 1.7%     48.6ms +/- 3.9%
nsieve-bits:       1.37x as fast       78.2ms +/- 4.8%     57.0ms +/- 0.0%
controlflow:         1.75x as fast       30.8ms +/- 1.8%     17.6ms +/- 3.9%
recursive:         1.75x as fast       30.8ms +/- 1.8%     17.6ms +/- 3.9%
crypto:              1.41x as fast      155.8ms +/- 2.6%     110.8ms +/- 0.9%
aes:               1.43x as fast       61.4ms +/- 3.9%     42.8ms +/- 1.3%
md5:               1.40x as fast       46.8ms +/- 1.2%     33.4ms +/- 2.0%
sha1:              1.38x as fast       47.6ms +/- 3.5%     34.6ms +/- 3.2%
date:                2.15x as fast      321.6ms +/- 7.7%     149.6ms +/- 0.7%
format-tofte:      2.16x as fast      195.0ms +/- 13.2%    90.2ms +/- 0.6%
format-xparb:      2.13x as fast      126.6ms +/- 1.6%     59.4ms +/- 1.1%
math:                1.60x as fast      277.4ms +/- 4.4%     173.0ms +/- 0.7%
cordic:            1.81x as fast      104.8ms +/- 2.1%     57.8ms +/- 1.8%
partial-sums:      1.48x as fast      124.0ms +/- 8.7%     83.6ms +/- 0.8%
spectral-norm:     1.54x as fast       48.6ms +/- 1.4%     31.6ms +/- 2.2%
regexp:              1.35x as fast      225.4ms +/- 0.5%     166.8ms +/- 0.3%
dna:               1.35x as fast      225.4ms +/- 0.5%     166.8ms +/- 0.3%
string:              1.56x as fast      650.2ms +/- 0.5%     416.0ms +/- 0.5%
base64:            1.16x as fast       77.2ms +/- 1.8%     66.6ms +/- 1.0%
fasta:             2.30x as fast      173.8ms +/- 0.9%     75.6ms +/- 0.9%
tagcloud:          1.34x as fast      133.4ms +/- 0.5%     99.8ms +/- 1.0%
unpack-code:       1.67x as fast      173.4ms +/- 0.6%     103.8ms +/- 1.0%
validate-input:    1.32x as fast       92.4ms +/- 0.7%     70.2ms +/- 1.5%

But don’t worry, Firefox! You may be 56% slower on overall Javascript performance, but you’ve been promised to be bug free!


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HOWTO: iPhone Webclip Icons

I remember, years ago, I was baffled by the little 16×16 icons that were showing up in my URL toolbar, and it took a surprising amount of searching to find out how to create one. I refuse to let this happen again.

So: if you want to make a custom icon for your website that will show up in the Springboard when a user makes a “webclip”, using their iPhone or iPod Touch, the dirt simple way is:

* Create a 57×57 PNG.
* Name it “apple-touch-icon.png”
* Throw it in the root folder of your website. (Not the root of your server, the root of your web documents.)

Boom. If you add a webclip for, you’ll see my smiling mug.
If you want more flexibility – perhaps you don’t have access to the site root, perhaps you want to use a different file name or format – you can use a link tag in the head of the document, such as:

<link rel="apple-touch-icon" href="/whatever.jpg"/>

I’ve tested this with a slightly larger (75×75) JPEG, and it works without trouble – it just scales things down.

If you’re testing this on your iPhone, you may notice a pause of a few seconds before the icon appears when you press “Add To Home Menu”. I’d imagine the icon only downloads when you request to make a webclip, instead of the “request it every time” method used for fetching favicon.ico. (As for why it’s a few seconds – well, that’s EDGE for you. The lag goes away when you use WiFi.)

Apple has more info on their iPhone Dev Center; look at “Create a WebClip Bookmark Icon”.

And don’t worry if your icon design skills aren’t up to snuff, but do worry if you care about the sanctity of your image:

>Safari will automatically composite the icon with the standard “glassy” overlay so it looks like a built-in iPhone or iPod application.

Addendum @ 9PM: I should note another oddity: there’s some degree of clipping off the sides of the icon that can’t really be controlled. I found this by scaling down a circular logo (in EPS format) to 57×57, and there was a noticeable clip on the sides. With that in mind, I recommend adding a pixel or two on the sides if you’re using a circular design. Note that scaling the icon down under 57×57 does not solve this, it merely scales it up to fit the 57×57.

Addendum @ 10PM: Neil Epstein, Technology Director for Gothamist LLC, says 47×47 seems to be the usable area, and that he had best luck with 45×45.

Addendum @ 1/16 7AM: Playground Blues notes that because of the resolution of the iPhone screen, using an oversized image (such as his 158×158 image) may result in a crisper icon. [via HicksDesign]