

I have just completed my irritating 264 lab, so I can take a break to
let you, the reader, in on my life once more. I mean, what the hell else
are you coming here for?
The Mos Def/BEP show was last night, and for the first time in my two
and a half years on CCC, I worked Stage Crew. To put this in perspective
– I worked Security for 11 shows, Crew Head for 5 of those. I figured it
was time for a change.
On the plus side – Stage lets you get the feeling that you’ve actually
done something. Stage means you can actually watch some of the show
without worrying about watching people. Stage lets you talk to more of
the crews, which is enjoyable in its own way. Stage gets three meals,
plus Manos after the show if you’re up for it. Stage gets the cool
colored shirt. Stage gets passes automagically. Stage gets to interact
with the band a LOT.
On the minus side – Stage gets there early, is there all day, and leaves
late. Stage is a lot of heavy lifting, pulling, pushing, etc. Stage is
the reason that if I stretch right now, it hurts.
All in all, I enjoyed it a lot, and will definitely be doing it again in
the future. I’d like to thank, in semi-random order: Ryan, Joe, Stefan,
Alex, Chris, Christina, Jess, John, Leon, Mike, Henry, Jimmy from the
BEPs, Jack from Northeastern, and all of Stage Crew that wasn’t named
earlier in this thank you. As for the concert itself – I liked what I
heard of BEP. I didn’t enjoy Mos Def.
In VERY happy news, Henry Bloom (who is now the Selections director)
told me that A Perfect Circle is looking for tour dates. WOOOOOOOOOOOT!
So yeah, I can’t move right now, even though I really need to go get
lunch. I have one more prelim this week (woohoo), and then next Tuesday
I’m off to Kate’s house. Oh, and this Saturday I’m having a meal with
Jason Whong. Awesome.
Need me? Find me. Love me? Tell me. Hate me? Blow me.


A Little Fiction

Today, I was thinking “Boy, I wonder what it’s like on the heated inside
of Cornell politics”. And it just so happened that I received an
anonymous tip off as to what I’m missing. A recent meeting of two CU
student organisations went roughly as follows. It should be noted that
one group has a very large membership, that the other group is a
minority-based group, and that the names have been changed to protect
the ludicrous:
Bubbly Brit: “(insert name of ethnic group here) sucks!”
Ethnic Group (unison): “You’re a bunch of fucking racists!”
Bubbly Brit: “I’ll kill you all you fu-”
Rational Roy: “If I may interject…”
(goes on to talk totally rationally, then gets interrupted by)
Ethnic Group (unison): “Fuck you, honkey! You always say the same shi-”
Rational Roy (staring at celing, totally calm): “I would like to finish
my sentence.”
And so on, and so on, and so on. More race issues were brought up, but
it’s all more of the same.
So now you know why I would not run for election for any of those
student organisations that I associate with, god love ’em.


Another New Feature

The powers of slack overcame me, and now I have created the very Jay
Stile-ish Mac Gaming Webcam Portal Thing. At the present time,
there are only three active cams, one of them mine – but there seems to
be community interest, or something.
Link going up in the navbar, which I really need to redesign soon.