
Easy Target: Microsoft Edition

## [Gates to end daily Microsoft role](

>Bill Gates has announced he will end his day-to-day role as head of software giant Microsoft by July 2008.

Boy. Two years. That’s some drastic business change there. Nothing shakes up a company traditionally known for glacial movement like a two year transition period.

But, then again, this IS Microsoft. And we all know how they are with sticking to announced dates.

See you in 2010, Bill!


Mac IT Loses One Of Its Greats

[RIP, Michael Bartosh](

>It is with the heaviest of hearts that I write these words, but this weekend we lost Michael Bartosh to a tragic accident in Tokyo, Japan at the far too young age of 28.

>Early on Sunday morning Michael fell to his death from a friend’s balcony. Police have ruled the death an accident.

>To many people Michael was a source of endless information that he provided about Mac OS X Server. He was an author, a trainer, a consultant, and, to many, a good friend. All of us here at are still in a state of shock over the loss. We are sure that many in the community feel the same way.

>He is survived by his wife, Amber. Please keep his family in your thoughts during these difficult times. We know he will never be far from ours.

I never personally knew Michael, but I knew *of* Michael – and to be in any way involved in the Mac Enterprise IT community meant he was unavoidable. He was literally everywhere, always ready to chip in to help out. At WWDC, he was either giving or attending every session I was at.

He will definitely be missed.

[John C. Welch has more.](


Mentos + Diet Coke

This one can’t wait another 21 hours for the next posting:

The Extreme Diet Coke & Mentos Experiments

> What happens when you combine 200 liters of Diet Coke and over 500 Mentos mints? It’s amazing and completely insane.

(via Metafilter)