
If You’re Thinking About Coming to NYC

Make sure you watch this helpful video, *NYC Tourist Beat:*

NYC Tourist Beat is just one of the many reasons Julie Klausner is awesome.

Happy Thanksgiving, everyone!


Wii Number

Our Wii number is *5457 9039 2738 5973*.

If you’ve posted your code on a blog that I traditionally read, it will undoubtedly get added on its own. If you want to leave me a comment and I have a pre-existing relation with you, that works too. If I don’t know you at all and you leave me your code, chances are I will ignore your comment.


A New Morning

To echo a comment I read: It’s nice to wake up and feel something about our government other than fear and dread.

A toast to checks and balances. A cheer for democracy.

**FOUR-R EDIT:** Reuters is reporting that Rumsfeld has resigned. Christmas comes early this year.