

So the big geek-out thing as of late has been buddyzoo, which allows you to calculate your worth as a person via reciprical rankings done on your AIM buddy list.
I know this is going to be an important and/or big meme over the next month or two because I was told about it not once, not twice, but three times. Three people on my list, who have no real connection other than being Cornellians (which, if you’ve gone to school at Cornell, you know is not a connection) – so I guess that makes it a “burst” or whatever Kleinberg is pushing them as these days.
It got me thinking, though – there’s a huge obsession with having a rank in everything we do. I’m certainly not excluding myself from this, given that I have a big fat link to blogshares (go buy some of my stock!) and I’ve been known to google for myself about twice a month to see how I rank on my own name. But consider:

  • The way we know which entertainment is the “best” is by how it ranks in the weekly sales chart, or Neilsen ratings, or if you want to ignore sales data by composite reviews.
  • Video gamers are obsessed with ranking. Internet Ranking is huge these days. Konami put it in MGS2:Substance – why? Who cares! Get ranked, kids! Amplitude has online ranking that will drive you batty with the desire to play more and more. The DDR tournament scene is entirely driven on PA, which is a cold numerical calculation on who’s better than who – and of course, there’s controversy in counting algorithms all the time. All of our Freeverse games are ranked, and people go ape over their ranking.
  • And then there’s the blogisphere, where what you care about most is how many people are viewing you. I’m not talking just daily hits/impressions/whatever. It costs “credits” to subscribe to my LiveJournal syndicated account, but the more people that do so, the less credits it costs. My blog “share” price is dictated by links out, links in, and market traffic. There’s a slew of google related measures of success – googlejuice, googlerank, googledance, and googlewashing.
  • Let’s not get started on Cornell and the words “Standard dev”, where your place in society is dictated by how far you fall from the mean.

This is all crazy, isn’t it? I always hear advertisements saying “we won’t just treat you like a number” – but more and more, isn’t that all we want?
I realize that Cory Doctorow focuses on “whuffie” in DAOITMK (which I’ve unfortunately put on hiatus while I pick up my new book) which adds some more insight into this all – expect a revisiting of this topic once I get around to finishing that.
I leave you with a quote that stuck with me when I played through Deus Ex three years ago. In one of the side areas, you can have a long conversation with an AI named Morpheus – as I recall, most of it isn’t essential to the plot, but it’s a nice diversion. This one quote stuck with me enough to make the quotefile, and it definitely applies now:
“The need to be observed and understood was once satisfied by God. Now we can implement the same functionality with data-mining algorithms.”


The Not-Technically-Friday Five

So I’m a few hours late. Sue me.
1. What was the last TV show you watched?
I unfortunately missed Bullshit tonight, so the last show I sat down and watched to completion was 24 on Tuesday. Which, I should note, was far better than the last 2 weeks have been, but still not on par with what I’ve been hoping for.
2. What was the last thing you complained about?
If we’re getting technical, it was the fact that in Def Jam Vendetta, you can only use unlocked characters in multiplayer modes if you’ve ran through Story mode. Yessireebob, I like trivial things.
3. Who was the last person you complimented and what did you say?
While this wasn’t directly to him, I was heard remarking to Katie that Pete is such a nice guy because when he asked me to make various copies of various things for him, he purchased *3* 5-packs of DVD-Rs for supplies. That boy, he’s always prepared.
4. What was the last thing you threw away?
A Kiwi Teawi bottle of Snapple. At Play!, of course.
5. What was the last website (besides this one) that you visited?
Blogshares and various bloghops thereof, trying to figure out why my share price spiked.


Review: V-Rare 5

This is the musical review of the CD that comes with MAX2JP. Standard 1-100 scale. (50 is average, 60 means it ends up on my main playlist, over 80 means it ends up on my “really good” playlist.) Reviews are written while I’m listening to the song.

Kind Lady (Long Edit)

Kind Lady has always been one of those songs that feels like it COULD be good but never actually IS. This mix – which essentially combines the Rough Instrumental Interlude from V-Rare 1 and the original and then extends the hell out of it – finally makes it feel complete. Even with the weird breakdown near the end, it feels complete enough to get a 62/100 from me.

Do It Right (Harmonized 2Step Mix Long)

This game-length version sort of warmed me up to the song in general, but didn’t do as much for me as the 80’s Electro mix. This version…it takes a minute and a half to get to anything resembling “2step”. I’m unfortunately getting burned out on the lyrics, since no one seems to have the decency to even cut-and-paste it in a different order like they did for Burnin’ The Floor. I could live without this. 48/100.

Look To The Sky (Extended Trance Mix)

Nearly 6 minutes of the Oni course mix from MAX2CS. I forget who said it (probably Reo), but if they had left the vocals out, this would be PERFECT. Like, I love the non-vocal parts, but as soon as “Anna” comes in, I cringe – partially Kyle Snyder’s fault. Squeaks by with a 60/100.

Feelings Won’t Fade (Extended Trance Mix)

And this is entirely new. And holy crap, it’s almost like exactly what I was asking for last time. System SF trance, only without any vocals! Woo! (Edit: I realized where this is from – this is the end credit music from MAX2CS. Still, it rocks.) 70/100.

Kind Lady (Future Trance Mix)

And while we’re in the trance section, let’s see how this works out. Apparently Konami wants Kind Lady to be the new overplayed song of the decade. This sounds more like the intro to Jump by Van Halen than Trance…oh there we go. Ooh, crazy vocal loopage…and wow. It doesn’t feel like a perfect fit, but it works really well. Okay, well, this little breakdown is meh…ooh, but back to the good stuff. It gets a little electro here and there. My one complaint is that the refrain hits with minimal build a couple of times – but the one right at the end is solid. 82/100.

Midnite Blaze (SySF Mix)

And this will be a really tough sell because I HATE Midnite Blaze. Harder than the rest of the trance we’ve heard thus far. The rap part vocals are put through some filter, and again we’re going more towards electro than Trance. It’s a little uneven, but it’s good enough for science. 60/100.

Glacial (Radio Edit)

Hey, welcome to Diversionville! Population, Riyu! And, uh, wait, this is Hyper Eurobeat in Japanese. It works a little better than the KILL ME NOW do-over that Dive Into The Night turned into. Outside of Riyu, Naoki sounds like he’s having an indentity crisis. Apparently he got bored of just doing Eurobeat, so now he’s merging BeForU Breakdown-style guitars with the “thoughtful piano” from the Naoki Underground stuff. But then we start getting everything all at once, and it’s just a mess. Decent, but not good enough to make the rotation – 55/100.

i feel…(New Age Hope Mix)

They weren’t kidding about the New Age part. Okay, so V-Rare 1 ended with the piano version of Memories, where Paula Terry proved she could actually do alright without The Hyper Eurobeat Machine behind her. This is some piano and the “I FeeeEEEEEEEllllll iiiiittttt” vocal bit over it and overlayed on itself a bit. Again, Kyle Snyder ruined this for me, but Kyle cannot entirely be blamed, because this sucks. 41/100.

Overall consensus: Good enough!