
Triple Gaming Stupidity Day

I’m an avid gamer. At least, I like to think I am. I have a PS2 and a Gamecube. I keep up with the news pretty regularly – even the non-Bemani stuff, believe it or not.
On a daily basis, I like to check The Magic Box to hear what’s new coming out of Japan. It’s a great site, even on days like this that depress me to shit.


Promised Cat Pictures

The poor kitty is pretty worn out after the surgery today…but he’s adapting rapidly. Best of all, he already knows where the litter box is!


Picture From Saturday

Those of you who have been keeping tabs on me for a while know that traditionally, the day after Slope Day, we have a big party out at my parent’s house. Much bocce playing, as well as much food consumption, ensues.
And traditionally, there’s a picture in the dining room of everyone. Behold:

I’d list the people in the picture, but I’m sure the majority of you don’t know and don’t care. If you’re looking for me, I’m peaking out from behind Katie.
Pictures of the kitty will be forthcoming this evening.