
It’s All So Clear Now

It’s great when you have a weekend where you read two strangely profound statements that make you think.
First yesterday I stop over and read this brilliance from Rands, the “holy duh of weblogging“:

After sitting staring at the ceiling thinking about this comment, I realize it crystallized, for me, a very basic question about how to think about weblogs. The painfully simple question is, “What is a weblog?” The painfully simple answer is, “A weblog is the representation of a person on the Internet.”

Then I’m reading the guestblog on boingboing – which has been surprisingly well authored by John Dvorak – and read this great comment about what the OSS community truly revolves around (not by John, but one of his readers):

“OSS is an important effort to replace ‘for-profit’ motives (with it’s material rewards) with ‘for-ego’ motives (with it’s emotional and psychological rewards). It’s a restatement of capitalism’s thesis (‘private vice begets public virtue’) for an industry in which the participants feel the immaterial rewards for one’s self (prestige) are equivalent to, or greater than, the possible material rewards for one’s self (money).
Vanity is the driving force behind OSS, as is greed behind closed-source software. Try to use someone’s OSS code without attributing original authorship, and you will see how quickly your quaint “community” devolves into harsh campaigns of public remonstration towards the violator. It is of primary importance that original authorship always be identified.
This is not the hallmark of a communal environment; it is indicative of an environment in which everything is okay as long as people get credit for what they have contributed to a project. In other words, people in this community are not driven by altruism over greed, but by fame over obscurity.”

Just something to chew on this Sunday morning.


Friday Five

Day late, oh well. [friday five]
1. How many times have you truly been in love?
2. What was/is so great about the person you love(d) the most?
The fact that no matter how badly we can end up fighting, we always forgive each other within a few hours.
3. What qualities should a significant other have?
Caring, compassionate, sense of humor in line with your own, and good snuggling skills.
4. Have you ever broken someone’s heart?
Sadly, yes.
5. If there was one thing you could teach people about love, what would it be?
Be patient with those you love.


The Legend Of Remy!

Everyone knows that since DDR Extreme came out, the whole “LEGEND OF _____” joke has been beaten to death. I never had any interest of jumping on the bandwagon, and quite honestly, I still don’t – but coincidence is a strange thing.
So Katie and I were down at Hollywood Video on Thursday night, and after snagging About Schmidt, I’m digging through the new releases, and I see Porn Star: The Legend Of Ron Jeremy. Now, I had heard about this documentary months ago, and like everyone else on the planet, I knew I had to see it. So we rented it.
(An aside: It’s very good. Go rent it.)
Now I’m sitting at my desk today, which as usual is a mess with a ton of DVDs and various other pieces of junk all over it. This includes the case for the aforementioned movie – because Katie and I pop in DVDs as we try to get to sleep. I look at the case, and I notice that the sticker from Hollywood Video is blocking the title of the movie in such a way that…

Kooky shit.