While on my way into NYC, I cranked through the remainder of Eric Alterman’s What Liberal Media?. I’ve always had this absurd interest in media analysis, and given the trends and political movements in this country for the past 5-10 years, this book is certainly topical.
I can say, with an entirely straight face, that this is likely the best non-fiction book I’ve ever read. Well researched, amusing at times, looks at all sides of the argument. Covers the 2000 Election, the Clinton era, and 9/11, as well as plenty of other historical bases. Hits all major forms of media (TV, newspapers, magazines, radio, Internet, etc).
I strongly urge everyone out there to go out and buy this book immediately.
With that out of the way, and given that my first 4 hours back in Ithaca were spent at Barnes & Noble helping Katie and the rest of the staff make it through the Harry Potter party, my next book is unsurprisingly Order Of The Phoenix. I’m about a quarter done at the moment, and it’s quite readable, even without have touched any of the books previously and having only seen the movies. We’ll see when I get it finished.
Author: Dan Dickinson
Friday Five Alive
1. Is your hair naturally curly, wavy, or straight? Long or short?
Straight and short.
2. How has your hair changed over your lifetime?
Was short and dirty blonde, then long and dark (I blame the lack of sunlight), then short and dark.
3. How do your normally wear your hair?
It’s not like I do anything with it.
4. If you could change your hair this minute, what would it look like?
Just better – don’t know how, but there’s got to be a way it could look better.
5. Ever had a hair disaster? What happened?
I’m having one right now, as I always do when I sleep on it after a shower.
Cooking With Hannah
Just wanted to give a heads up – over on the slightly more insane part of this site, Hannah has proven once again that she has way too much free time at work. She has provided, as quite the public service to us Mac users, a recipe for preparing Seared Chicken with Amandine Vinaigrette on your Mac.
Obviously no matter how boring Ithaca may seem at times, it has nothing on State College.