(In case you’ve missed the past entries, here are #1, #2, and #3.)
Driving home from the grocery store today, we get to the three-way stop near our apartment, where the Bill Cooke dealership is, and we notice the following bizarre situation:
Directly in front of us, on our side of the intersection, there is a car stalling at the stop sign.
To the right side of the intersection, another car is stopped at the stop sign and unable to move.
So what could possibly be stopping traffic from the third point of the intersection?
A girl in a wheelchair, wheeling her way by hand uphill in the center of the road.
After sitting there trying to figure this out, how to properly get around her, etc, the car to our right goes first, passes her on the right, rolls down their window, asks her something (probably if she needed help), keeps on driving. She keeps on wheeling.
Car in front of us does the exact same thing. She just keeps on wheeling.
We go by her. I don’t stop to ask her if she needs help because by this point I just want to get around her. Of course, as I go by her and look in the rear view mirror, I notice she has stopped and is just looking at our car.
And as I continue to drive off, she continues to just sit there, unmoving.
There’s probably a lesson to be learned here, but it’s escaping me. Oh yeah – don’t fucking wheel your wheelchair in the middle of the road.
Author: Dan Dickinson
Good Week For IIDX
Newly passed:
.59 [a]
Dong Tepo No. 1
Final Countdown
In My Eyes
Love Is Dreaminess
Paranoia Max (Dirty Mix) [a]
Prince On A Star [a]
The Shining Polaris
The Strong Jaeger
Virtual Mind
Three anothers.
Seven 6-stars.
Seven 7-stars.
Not a bad week at all, considering we had company AND there was the whole blackout thing.
I’ve Got [Friday] Five On It
1. How much time do you spend online each day?
Far more than I should.
2. What is your browser homepage set to?
Blank. But if I hit the Home button, it’ll take me to this page.
3. Do you use any instant messaging programs? If so, which one(s)?
iChat is almost always on. I used to use ICQ, but most everyone moved away from that.
4. Where was your first webpage located?
I hijacked some webspace back when I was working for Spider – with permission – so realistically, it was:
But then I got a shell account soon after that and it moved to:
(Fun fact: Did you know I have an assortement of my old webpages – including my extremely embarassing first one – up in the graveyard?)
5. How long have you had your current website?
Depends on what you mean by “current”. I’ve had my site on csoft since February of 2000. I’ve been using Movable Type since Feb. 22, 2003.