I just got an email from AZKI, a IIDX player in Japan.
Konami has essentially told the world that unless they receive 10,000 responses to a survey they have put up, there will be no more home versions.
It would be a huge atrocity if IIDX was to die at home, as it’s barely penetrated the US at all, and home versions are how many of us (myself included) are playing.
For now, if you’re interested in helping out, I’ll refer you to this thread on DDRFreak, with instructions about how to fill out the survey.
If you’ve ever played anything Bemani, I beg of you to please fill this out.
Author: Dan Dickinson
Sapphire Bulletted Updates Of Love
Just a few notes to those concerned about my well being, with apologies to TMBG:
-The move in went fine, mostly. The biggest hassle has been that the address was wrong, and I had to resubmit a change of address form. On the other hand, Verizon was somehow able to turn my phoneline on immediately. Go figure!
-I won’t be online from home until 10/8, which is when the cable guy is scheduled to stop by. We’ll see if he sticks to the schedule. The deposit on converter boxes here is MURDER.
-I seem to be living a whole 5 blocks from Benjamin Birdie, of Genre City fame. If you didn’t read it the first time I posted his link, now’s a good time.
-I know my RSS feed took a dump and thus everyone who subscribes to me via LiveJournal had a flood of my old entries on their friends listing. I’m sorry. At least you won’t get the “…” at the end anymore.
-There are definitely some good restaurants in Astoria.
-It’s a strange change of pace working in an office again after a year of working at home. Not bad, though.
-Our cat is nuts.
-I still don’t have any pictures of anything ready because our digital camera is being retarded.
I think that’s about it for now.
I’ve Been Waiting For So Long
The new Ishkur’s Guide To Electronic Music is finally up. Go check it out, it’s too cool for school (or my sidebar).
In case you’re wondering why I’m still up, our departure time got pushed back 3 hours. More sleep!