Ten months after I started playing IIDX, I’ve finally gotten around to passing a flashing 7 – in particular, B4U. Now I suck less!
In light of the joy and rapture and whatever else, I may as well announce – you know the IIDX score thing on my blog? I’m working on making that into a multi-user ranking and scorekeeping site. I’m hoping to have a beta ready for public grumbling about within the next week. So STAY TUNED.
Author: Dan Dickinson
Playlist: Winter
One of the horrible things I have to deal with right now is the fact that it’s so unbelievably cold. The wind is giving me muscle aches and I’m really hoping this all breaks soon.
One of the wonderful things I can do on my iPod, on the other hand, is slapping together a playlist on the fly. As such, here is what I will now dub my Winter playlist. It’s still got a little Christmas-type music, and it’s the typical Dan genre mixup because I can never decide, but I think it’s decent. Whatever. People who are chummy with me can probably figure out where they can hear most of this mix – maybe I’ll try and mix everything together with Traktor as well.
Order is unimportant, and Bemani types who bitch about the lack of V will be shot.
It’s The Most Wonderful Time Of The Year (A Shrift Remix) by Andy Williams, off Christmas Remixed
Tears Are in Your Eyes by Yo La Tengo, off And Then Nothing Turned Itself Inside-Out
White Eve (Unplugged Version) by Naya~N, off Konami V-Rare Soundtracks 6
Neige A Saigon by Osamu Kubota, off Snow in Saigon
The Snow by Audio Bullys, off Ego War
A Long December by Counting Crows, off Films About Ghosts
Brick by Ben Folds Five, off Whatever And Ever Amen
Born Slippy 2003 (Down Version) by Underworld, off Born Slippy 2003
Winjer by Underworld, off Beaucoup Fish
In The Cold Cold Night by The White Stripes, off Elephant
Midnight In A Perfect World by DJ Shadow, off Endtroducing…..
Sound Check by Gorillaz, off Gorillaz
Adrift And At Peace by Nine Inch Nails, off Halo 17 / Still
Stay Positive by The Streets, off Original Pirate Material
Adagio For Strings by William Orbit, off Pieces In A Modern Style
Rhubarb by Aphex Twin, off Selected Ambient Works – Vol 2
Buttons Story #2
Everyone has been telling me how good the last Buttons story was, and the cat has been deprived of bloggy attention as of late. And hey, he just unofficially turned 1 – we don’t know when his exact birthday is due to whoever dropped him at the SPCA not giving them said info. So here’s another Butt-Butt story.
We bought a futon when we got our place in Ithaca, because we needed a couch AND a bed for when company comes. Got a nice one, and my mom bought us a cover that looks nice and is sufficiently heavy duty and all of that. It was only after we got Buttons that we realized the futon cover was also of the consistency that’s perfect for cat clawing – not only because Buttons goes nuts for it, but because it really doesn’t tear or rip or look odd after he’s clawed it. So we’ve never cared much.
After the move to NYC, Buttons had to get re-acquainted with things and find new ways to keep himself entertained now that I wasn’t going to be around all day. Many of the windows are high and not a great view, so that’s become a less interesting option for him. Closets are lots of fun but as usual filled with crap. Laundry bags are interesting but not around often enough. So what’s a poor lonely cat to do?
Apparently get recruited by the CIA. There’s a small lip of cushion that hangs off the front of the futon, maybe 3 inches wide. Buttons has gotten in the habit of walking under the lip, flipping over, attaching his claws to the underside of the cushion, and ceiling-walking across the couch. His legs are just long enough so that he IS suspended in the air by an inch or so. If he gets to the other end and he’s not bored, he will turn around – still in midair – and go back the way he came. This will repeat until he gets bored and runs off on his own or someone hits the alarm (which involves looking at him) and he runs back to base with a FISSION MAILED.
It’s worth noting he doesn’t care if anyone is sitting on the couch at the time, he honestly couldn’t care either way. So in conclusion, yes, my cat is nuts – in a good way.