
Clarification Regarding Trip To San Francisco

Despite the date of the trip overlapping the period of WWDC, and despite us staying not to far from the Moscone Center, and despite me being in the Mac development business, I need to state to the 3 people that may be confused that we are not attending WWDC.
Just wanted to clarify.


More Tweakery

I think I’ve finally got the layout fixed. If the sidebar is ending up at the bottom of the page, please let me know what browser and version and OS so I can curse whoever is responsible.
Also, I’ve re-enabled the requirement for an email address to be passed with typekey accounts, but this will not be publicly displayed any more if you fail to enter a URL. I don’t like spam as much as the next guy. The email address is just so I can follow up to you by email if need be.
Given that I’m still getting comment spam under 3.0b1 (although it’s much easier to deal with), I’m very tempted to move to TypeKey-only at this point. Sign up today! It’ll be good for every MovableType 3.0 site that uses authentication.


Movable Type 3.0b1

As you may have noticed, things look a little different now.
As I got pulled in on the MT3 alpha, I had created a slightly different layout given that I was growing tired of the default AND of my actual layout. So that’s been transferred over and now things look better. I will probably be tweaking this in the coming days.
Also, you will notice when you try to comment, things are a little different. In an effort to combat comment spam, I have turned on comment moderation UNLESS you register for TypeKey. I highly recommend you register for TypeKey as I am not even sure I want to leave unregistered comments on. (Previously mentioned wonking has been resolved.)
Also, archives are now using pretty file names. Old urls will redirect.
So…yeah. Let me know if anything else is broken.
Edit: I’ve been told my syndicated LJ account took a dump. I apologize.