
Words Taken Out Of My Mouth

I was going to write this long post about how ridiculous it is that Nintendo and Konami have teamed up to created Dance Dance Revolution With Mario, and how Nintendo needs to really get away from watering down their characters.

But Geeks On Stun nailed all the points I was going to make. Even the bit where I was going to call Donkey Konga a “half-assed version” of Taiko No Tatsujin.


My Occasional British Accent Strikes Again

I have this unfortunate habit of, when either listening to or speaking with someone who has a british accent, slipping into one myself. It is usually described to me as horrible.

The following transpired at the DVD signing pictured above:

Nick Frost: So who are we making these out to?
Me: Oh, the DVD doesn’t need to be made to anyone, but if you could make the poster out to Katie
Simon: Kady?
Me: Katie.
Nick And Simon: Katie?
Me: Yes. K-a-t-i-e.
Simon: Oh, okay…*slight smile* see, you said it with a British accent!

I don’t know whether to be embarrassed that he caught it and I didn’t, or to be gleefully happy that he didn’t tell me it was horrible.


10 Years

I just realized that this week is the official observance of me having been online for ten years.

The only thing I can say in response to this realization is “Gah!”.