
James And Max Is Apparently A Popular Photo Title

I swear, I have never quite done a double/triple/whatever take like when I saw the last two photos in my Flickr contacts feed.
Joi and Peter, are you guys in cahoots or something?


Gmail now has an inbox Atom feed

I cannot believe this – Gmail appears to now have an Atom feed for unread items in your Inbox.

The feed is located at – you would need to be logged in to see your own, so I believe this prevents the use of Bloglines for it at this time.
Here’s the feed source for a test message I sent, with an attachment:

<title>Test message</title>
<summary>This is a test message I&#39;m sending to my gmail account to show how my feed works. Also &hellip;</summary>
<link rel="alternate" href="" type="text/html"/>
<name>Daniel W. Dickinson</name>
<email>(my email address was here)</email>

I’m sure someone else can rave on and on about the importance about this, but let me just calm my nerves by declaring that this is potentially huge news.
Update: A number of #joiito regulars have not seen it yet, so perhaps it’s in alpha beta. Or beta beta. Or double secret beta. Or beta band. I don’t know, but I definitely have it.


dj BTNS in: Cat-amari Damashii

dj BTNS in: Cat-amari Damashii, originally uploaded by RemyDWD.

Buttons has seemed rather bored as of late, and has taken to attacking random objects around the house. A quick stop to the pet store across the way found us this wooden green thing with little faces that pop out of it. It being wood means he won’t tear it to shreds in a week, and so it was an instant purchase.

And while he was pushing it around the floor, I suddenly thought, “Wait a minute, that looks like a Katamari…”, which then turned into “WHERE IS MY CAMERA?!”.

For those who haven’t played it, Katamari Damashii (or Damacy) is widely being hailed as Sleeper Hit Game Of 2004. Available for your PS2 for a whopping $20 and obviously from Japan, it is a pure joy to play. If you haven’t picked this up yet, do it soon – it’s becoming increasingly hard to find.

Here’s to hoping there’s a US release of the soundtrack as well, as it’s one of the most interestingly diverse game soundtracks to hit in a while.