
Friday Five

Not being late, this time. [friday five]
1. When was the last time you laughed?
Earlier today I had a serious chuckle over an excerpt from Al Franken’s new book, which is getting an early release and should be widely available tomorrow.
2. Who was the last person you had an argument with?
A certain asshat online by the name of Loopuze.
3. Who was the last person you emailed?
Pat Miller from MacGamer, regarding an interview with me for Gamer’s Den which should be up in the near future.
4. When was the last time you bathed?
Around noon, Thursday. 13 hours ago as of press time.
5. What was the last thing you ate?
Grilled cheese sandwich with tomato.


Only In Ithaca #5

I really should start a new category for these.
Was in Hollywood Video near our house today.
While we were browsing the DVDs, I heard what sounded like guitar strumming.
I look over, and the following people – all around 18 years old – were standing in a circle, talking:
Guy, wearing a poncho and a few scarves, holding a guitar.
Girl, wearing a black trash bag and an orange hunters cap.
Guy, wearing what appeared to be an apron and what I can only think to describe as a slightly feminine hat.
Girl, wearing a neon green soccer jersey and a neon green cat-in-the-hat sized hat.
The details are a little blurry at the moment, as I was also grappling with trying to get a free rental because the copy of Wasabi we had rented was scratched enough to skip over 2 chapters worth of plot. (Movie was surprisingly good and I recommend you rent it, and not just because Jean Reno plays DDR in it.)
Regardless: who the fuck are these people, and what are they doing in my town?


The Blog Goes Boom

Ugh, so that wasn’t fun today.
It started innocuously enough; I wanted to add calls in my blog for Instant Gratification, an extremely nice service that will IM you when someone hits your blog. I don’t actually get hit logs, so I have to try and quantify my traffic in other ways.
However, when I tried to add it to my Individual Archives, MT started throwing errors like there was no tomorrow. It eventually tracked down to a database fuck up, which I was able to resolve myself, but I lost my archive template.
So things are looking a little different temporarily. Hopefully I can get it resolved soon.