

When you turn 1, you’ve probably got the whole walking thing down.

When you turn 2, people stop counting how old you are in months, and you can probably talk a bit.

When you turn 3, you’re considered a “sophisticated talker”.

When you turn 4, you begin to develop personal tastes and interests.

When you turn 5, you’re ready to start school.

When you turn 7, you’ve probably started to lose some baby teeth.

When you turn 10, you’re done with elementary school.

When you turn 11, you’re a “pre-teen”.

When you turn 12, you have puberty to “look forward to”.

When you turn 13, you’re officially a teenager.

When you turn 14, you’re done with middle school.

When you turn 15, you’ve probably started dating.

When you turn 16, you can start to learn to drive.

When you turn 17, you can drive late at night, if you took Driver’s Ed.

When you turn 18, you can vote, buy cigarettes, and you’re done with high school.

When you turn 19, you realize you’re getting old because it’s your last year of being a teenager.

When you turn 20, you KNOW you’re old because it’s the first time you’ve had the tens digit on your age change.

When you turn 21, you can drink – legally, anyhow.

When you turn 22, you’re done with undergraduate college.

And when you turn 23, all you can think to do is post to your blog.

Happy birthday to me.