
Glimpses At Japanese “Fashion”

Found this over at Fancy Robot: a fashion website called Japanese Streets.
I realize that a lot of kids these days are afflicted with the yellow fever; I have to wonder what sites like this will do for them. Will it just increase their endless spoo-ing, or will it make them realize that a lot of this “fashion” looks ridiculous?
On one hand, you have some reasonably nice fashion. This guy is reasonable, and I could see myself wearing that, save the glasses. This outift works well, even with the Engrish scarf.
But then you have everything ranging from the flamboyantly gay to outfits that scream “Got a dime?”. And remember, girls, more layers are ALWAYS better.
I will give the Japanese one thing, though – they do the whole “girls wearing ties” thing much better than the shit made popular by Avril Lavigne and Kelly “My album is titled Shut Up but I can’t seem to take the hint” Osbourne.
The site is amusing enough to warrant an inclusion on my sidebar for their “daily fashion update”. Whee.