
Trip…the light fantastic?

So, for the first time since August, I’m heading back to NYC.

Why, you ask? A couple of reasons. Primarily, the machine at Freeverse that truly is my baby (out of all the servers I do work on, I mean) needs some upgrading, and doing a major OS upgrade is not something you want to do remotely in case something blows up.

Also, there’s a big event at the Pokemon Center on Saturday around noon. In the words of Nintendo, “The fun can’t get much more fulfilling then that!”

Also, maybe I can finagle Steve into taking me down to Chinatown and trying once more to find PNM controllers. Maybe I can hit morning2midnight again, too.

In any case, I’ll be gone Thursday through Saturday. I find it somewhat ironic that I had told myself, “Do not go into the city in March” (Ian’s wife, Joanna, is quite pregnant and is due at the end of the month; I keep having these quasi-fears that it’s all going to happen when I show up), and here I am, showing up in March. Oh well.

Speaking of which, if you haven’t seen yet, check it out – a truly interesting movement. I’m running the forums there, too.