

Finally got to catch 10 minutes of the end of an episode of Bullshit! after flipping away from SNL tonight; and as it could’ve been expected, Penn & Teller are doing a wonderful job with their new venue.
For those who didn’t know, I’ve actually been a P&T fan (off and on, of course, since it’s not like they’ve been churning out oodles of new books/movies a year) since 1991. Definitely a good influence to have when you’re growing up and very easily molded. I blame Penn for planting the seeds of sarcasm in me.


Important note regarding syndication

One of the things that the MT upgrade *will* break is my LJ syndicated account. So, until LJ figures out a way to let people change the feed source on said accounts, all you LJ people may want to remove me from your friends list, since there’s not going to be any updates on it.
The new XML feed is to the lower right, just like the old one.


Migration like what?

Okay, I admit it. I have been razzle-dazzled by the unbelievable shininess of MovableType. This, compounded with my frustration with the drupal upgrade process, has let me to a precarious position – do I stick with what I’ve spent nearly a year using, or do I throw caution to the wind and move to MT?
Although it may be hard to tell (since I’ve done SUCH a spiffy job of recreating my theme; or, alternately, you never read my blog anyhow), this is MovableType. As usual, there is content I haven’t moved over yet – particularly the book pages and the quotefile. But all the blog entries are here, the blogroll is sort of here, and all in all, it’s not that radical of a change.
Which makes me quite happy.
If you see anything really screwed up (banner at the top looks completely wrong, sidebar going too long, etc), please, let me know immediately.