
Long Overdue Update

So much going on, so few ways to order it all. We’ll do in order of
importance in paragraph form, that seems to go over big.

Spring Break – my spring break is going to be mostly non-existant
this year. This, however, is not a bad thing – the Monday of break, I
have a job interview with iWon/Excite in Westchester County. It’s a
second interview for a production position. Then, Thursday-Saturday are being taken up by the legendary flyout process to head to Redmond, WA for – you guessed it – Microsoft. This is also a second interview, this time for a Software Test Engineer position. Thankfully, Kate’s spring break does *not* mesh with mine week-wise, so she’ll be coming up the week after. Any way you slice it, Spring Break will be mighty interesting, and I’ll detail as much as I can outside my NDAs on this very website.

Bemani – I’ve shifted slightly away from DDR (although I do still
put in an hours worth every couple of days) and into Beatmania. I’d explain Beatmania, but it’s futile – however, my official controller comes in some time this week, and I’m bouncing in my seat waiting for it to come in.

School – we’ve now passed the halfway point and are into the home
stretch. 7 weeks remain of my Cornell career. Classes are going
decently, although the wild arm-flailing that comes from working on
getting a job and working on the wedding mean my studies are taking a small hit. I’ll survive, though. I’m already starting to get nostalgic – I went to the last home Men’s hockey game last night, where we crushed Yale 4-2. On to Lake Placid!

Ithaca – the weather has been extremely bizarre. Thursday, 50,
Friday, 60, Saturday, 60s, Sunday, 30s and snow. How in the hell? Also
worth noting for Ithaca types – the new pizza place where Wendy’s used to be has great pizza. Get over your Mama’s addiction and give them a try, even if they do endlessly push beverages on you.

Self-Promotion: Check out my Gaming Den interview on MacGamer where I ramble continuously about games. It’s a very me interview.

That’s all for now.