
Sometimes, there are no words.


A Short Review of Dan’s Classes

Computer Science 430 (Information Discovery; Prof.
William Arms) – potentially an interesting class about searching and the
methods used for indexing. Lecture can drag a bit, and section seems a
little too elementary. Still, looking worthwhile – we’ll be learning
Perl, at least. Workload is 4 problem sets (3 involving coding), a
prelim, a final, and section participation.

Computer Science 472 (Artificial Intelligence; Prof. Bart Selman) –
Taught by my advisor, this AI class looks like it will be interesting and
not kill me. Seems rather high level thus far. Workload is problem sets,
a prelim, and a final.

Government 111 (Introduction to American Government And Politics;
Prof. Theodore Lowi) – taught by a raving and young-looking 70 year old,
this class looks interesting on the surface, but I’m getting concerned
that it’s just going to jump from topic to topic and not have much
progression. Prof. Lowi has been teaching this since the 70’s. Workload
is papers and prelims.

Hotel Administration 430 (Introduction to Wines; Banfi Vintners
Professor of Wine Education and Management Stephen A. Mutkoski,Ph.D.) –
this, unsurprisingly, looks like the highlight of the semester. While
class are long (2 hours) and large (I would guess around 600 people), it
only meets once a week and involves a lot of wine tasting, obviously.
Prof. Mutkoski is very funny and light-hearted, and definitely is into the
subject (like Prof. Lowi, he’s been teaching this class for a while –
since 1982). I already have my little black kit with my three glasses, so
now I officially feel old. Workload is two prelims and a final, pass/fail

ORIE 480 (Information Technology, Dr. Mark Eisner) – a very
interesting subject matter, and a class that really should be offered from
the CS department, or at least cross-listed. Downsides include a long
lab, and the 8:40 M/W lecture times. Workload is a semester long project,
prelims and final.


And So It Begins

A week
ago today, Kate and I were making the drive down to her house so that she
could return to Maryland and potentially begin going to school.
Interesting events while we were there included going to a club in
Baltimore (Hammerjacks), going to a restaurant in Baltimore (Tio Pepe),
and hitting Best Buy like there’s no tomorrow (purchased 3 DVDs, a CD, and
some cases for my GBA games). I returned home Sunday all by myself,

The house has fully moved in, and while things are in a bit of disarray
right now, wires will soon be taped down and we’ll all be too busy with
school work to even look at each other. Well, hopefully not.

Today marks the beginning of classes for the Fall 2001 semester. My
schedule, of course, has been updated to reflect my new time commitment
thingies, and will probably change slightly over the next few weeks as
sections are added or moved, and CCC gets firmly established again.

For those who I haven’t told, Kevin Smith is coming to campus via CUPB;
it’ll be October 1st, at 7:30 (I believe).

GBA owners must go pick up Mario Kart: Super Circuit for the sheer ownage.

Other than that, I don’t know what to tell you…oh yeah, I do have a scan
of our engagement announcement photo. I
know I’m way behind on my various databases, but given there’s maybe 3
people who read this site regularly, and those people talk to me more than
enough, I think I’ll be okay to get school going