
Hell Week Complete

I am done with my smartey man hell weeke. I am typeing liek Jeff K
becuse my brian si fried!!! Hoepfully tomarrow my brian will be backe to
a compleateley functionale state for my drive to Kate’s house!
*slaps his face* If you need me, send an email – my machine will be on
but no one will be answering it. Back on Chusday.


Round 1

Task: Cog Studies 101 Prelim
Format: 25 multiple choice, 3 short answer, one essay.
Time Limit:1:15
Proximity to last/next task: Not availale / 6.5 hours
The prelim was blah. Most of the multiple choice was trivial, and the
short answer wasn’t bad…but the essay was a complete blind side. And
from talking to a friend of mine, it would appear that everyone got
blindsided. So we shall see – the essay is only 10 points, anyhow.


Hell Week Begins

This week will be scheduled for 5 tasks, with a 5 day time limit.
Making his way into reality, weighing in at 170 pounds, hailing from
Trumansburg, NY – he is your sarcastic web ranter – The Master of Non
Sequitors, Dan Dickinson.
And his opponents:
1. Cognitive Studies 101 Prelim
2. Operating Systems Prelim
3. Theory of Computing Prelim
4. Accounting Prelim
5. 6 Hour Drive to Maryland
The reward, should he make it through all 5 tasks, shall be a 5 day, 4
night stay with the beautiful Katie Michael.
(bell rings)